


Inventory Policies

background Inventory Policies is committed to providing a fair value exchange between buyers, sellers and users and to that purpose, uses commercially reasonable efforts to provide participating buyers and sellers with a safe, transparent, and fair marketplace. uses a combination of proprietary tools, third party partners and manual monitoring teams to review, approve and monitor the quality of inventory. Inventory may include websites, mobile applications and/or other digital media properties made available for sale of inventory via’s platforms and services (“Sites”).

By using the platform and services, each Publisher (ie. owner or authorized operator of Sites) agrees to these Policies, which may be updated at any time by posting notice of such changes on our website or by otherwise providing notice. All publishers understand that it is their sole responsibility to keep themselves updated on all policies available here. reserves the right to reject, suspend, or remove from its platforms any site(s) at its sole discretion, regardless of whether a basis for removal is listed here. These policies do not limit’s discretion in any way.

I. Platform Policies

II. Site Policies

Site Structure: Sites must have original content filled, navigation-friendly site design without excessive advertising. Sites pertaining to the following shall not be approved:

III. Content Policies’s platform focuses on sites with premium content. Sites that promote, contain, or link directly to the following types of content shall not be approved.

Although legal in most regions, restricted content may be considered prohibited content, depending on the nature of the content and the context in which the restricted content is displayed on the site.

IV. Traffic Policies

Invalid Traffic:

Incentive Programs:

Misleading Users:

V. Implementation Policies

Ad Placement

Publishers shall not:

Ad Code manipulation

The Publisher may not:

VI. Supply Chain Transparency

VII. Enforcement

Any buyer or user can raise a concern about a Publisher or Site that may be violating these policies by contacting at has the right to temporarily pause or terminate monetization of any Publisher and/or Site found in violation of these policies at any time. Monetization may not commence until is satisfied that the policy is no longer in violation.

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