This article describes the main features of the impacts of global observations on the reduction of errors in the data assimilation (DA) cycle carried out in the Brazilian Global Atmospheric Model (BAM) at Center for Weather Forecast and Climate Studies [Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos (CPTEC)] at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research [Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)]. These results show the importance of studying and evaluating the contribution of each observation to the DA system, therefore, two experiments (exp1/exp2) were performed with different configurations of the BAM model, with exp2 presenting the best fit between the Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) and BAM systems. The BAM model was validated by the statistical metrics of root mean-square error and correlation anomaly, but this validation is not explored in this paper. A metric was applied that does not depend on the adjoint-based method, but only on the residuals that are made available in the GSI system for the observation space, given by the total impact, the fractional impact and the fractional beneficial impact. In general, the average daily showed that the observations of the global system that contribute most to the reduction of errors in the DA cycle are from the pilot balloon data (−3.54/−3.45 J kg
−1)and the profilers (−2.13/−1.97 J kg
−1), and the smallest contributions came from the land (−0.28/−0.29 J kg
−1) and sea (−0.44/−0.44 J kg
−1) surfaces. The same pattern was observed for the synoptic times presented. However, when verifying the fraction of the impact by each type of observation, it was found that the radiance data (64.88/30.30%), followed by radiosondes (14.85/27.42%) and satellite winds (11.03/22.70%), are the most important fractions for both experiments. These results show that the DA system is working to generate the best analyses at the research center and that the deficiencies found in some observations can be adjusted to improve the development of the GSI and the BAM model, since together, the entire database used is evaluated, as well as the forecast model itself, indicating the relationship between the assertiveness of the atmospheric model and the DA system used at the research center.
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