Magnetosphere–Ionosphere Conjugate Harang Discontinuity and Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) Phenomena Observed by Multipoint Satellites
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. The Harang Reversal Observed in the Inner Magnetosphere by THEMIS in Events 1–2
3.2. Inner-Magnetosphere SAPS and the Hot Zone Observed by THEMIS in Events 1–2
3.3. The Harang Reversal Observed in the Duskside Topside Ionosphere by DMSP in Event 1
3.4. The Harang Reversal Observed in the Topside Ionosphere by DMSP F18 in Event 2
3.5. The SAR Arc Developed Within the SAPS Channel
4. Discussion
5. Summary of New Results
- (1)
- Aligned in the dusk–dawn direction, the inner-magnetosphere Harang region was characterized:
- (a)
- at its earthward edge: by the outward-directed SAPS E field developed on a short timescale in a fast-time voltage generator (VGFT) system across the plasmapause and by the inward-directed convection E field tailward of the plasmapause
- (b)
- at its tailward edge: by the reversal of the convection E field across the closed–open field-line boundary from outward- to inward-directed.
- (2)
- Large-scale FACs reversed:
- (a)
- from ↓R2 to ↑R2 near the plasmapause,
- (b)
- from ↑R2 to ↓R1 across the trapping boundary, and
- (c)
- from ↓R1 to ↑R1 across the closed-open field-line boundary.
- (3)
- Along the discontinuity:
- (a)
- ↑R2 FACs occupied the regime of trapped electrons located between the plasmapause and the trapping boundary, and
- (b)
- ↓R1 FACs occupied the regime of quasi-trapped electrons located between the trapping boundary and the closed-open field-line boundary.
- (4)
- The hot zone developed within the regime of trapped electrons and peaked within the turbulent plasmaspheric boundary layer.
- (i)
- The duskside discontinuity developed because of the flow of ↑R2 from equatorward and ↑R1 from poleward into the auroral oval.
- (ii)
- Across the discontinuity, the electrojet reversal from lower-latitude EEJ to higher-latitude WEJ occurred because of the reversal of the Hall currents from eastward (or antisunward) to westward (or sunward).
- (iii)
- Within the lower-latitude EEJ: the ↓R2–↑R2 FACs connected via the poleward-directed Pedersen currents.
- (iv)
- Within the higher-latitude WEJ: the ↑R1–↓R1 FACs connected via the equatorward-directed Pedersen currents.
- (v)
- Away from the Harang region, in the regular duskside auroral EEJ: the Hall currents were flowing eastward (or antisunward) and the ↓R2–↑R1 FACs connected via the poleward-directed Pedersen currents.
- (vi)
- Located equatorward of the discontinuity, the newly-formed SAPS flow developed in a fast-time voltage generator (VGFT) system where the subauroral ↓R2 FACs were absent.
6. Conclusions
- (a)
- Both the R1 and the R2 FACs were collocated with the M–I conjugate Harang phenomenon and were essential to its development.
- (b)
- In the duskside ionosphere, the Harang Discontinuity was associated with ↑R2 (at lower altitudes) and with ↑R1 (at higher latitudes) and the ↑R2–↑R1 demarcation corresponded to the Harang Discontinuity.
- (c)
- In the Harang region, the reversing EEJ–WEJ developed differently than their respective regular auroral EEJ and WEJ away from the Harang region.
- (d)
- In the topside ionosphere, the newly-formed SAPS flow became enhanced near the Harang region because of the mapped-down large innermagnetosphereoutward-SAPS E field developed at the Harang Region’s earthward edge in a fast-time voltage generator.
- (e)
- Therefore, the ↓R2 FACs were not essential to the enhancement of the newly-formed SAPS flow developed in a fast-time voltage generator at the Harang region.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Horvath, I.; Lovell, B.C. Magnetosphere–Ionosphere Conjugate Harang Discontinuity and Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) Phenomena Observed by Multipoint Satellites.Atmosphere2024,15, 1462.
Horvath I, Lovell BC. Magnetosphere–Ionosphere Conjugate Harang Discontinuity and Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) Phenomena Observed by Multipoint Satellites.Atmosphere. 2024; 15(12):1462.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHorvath, Ildiko, and Brian C. Lovell. 2024. "Magnetosphere–Ionosphere Conjugate Harang Discontinuity and Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) Phenomena Observed by Multipoint Satellites"Atmosphere 15, no. 12: 1462.
APA StyleHorvath, I., & Lovell, B. C. (2024). Magnetosphere–Ionosphere Conjugate Harang Discontinuity and Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) Phenomena Observed by Multipoint Satellites.Atmosphere,15(12), 1462.