The Manhattan Borough President’s office is committed to creating a more equitable, resilient, affordable and healthy city for all New Yorkers
The Manhattan Borough President’s office is committed to creating a more equitable, resilient, affordable and healthy city for all New Yorkers
Manhattanites and their families deserve a healthier, greener, more affordable city. Join us for BP Levine’s 3rd Annual State of the Borough Address and see what we’ve been doing to make it happen – and what we’re ready to do the coming year! RSVP below.
Read our Know Your Rights pamphlet to get a better understanding of navigating immigration in New York City. Print out double sided in color or black & white! Available in English, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese!
Our booklet gives only general information. It is not legal advice. Consult an attorney for legal advice.
New Yorkers are fired up about making a difference and being a positive force for change, but it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. A great place to start is on the local level, where government is at its most local level. Community Boards, Community Education Councils, Precinct Councils, and Advisory Boards are powered by local New Yorkers, and we’re looking to add YOU.
Find the opportunity that’s right for you below!
Over 441,000 children under five reside in New York City, and 80% of families find the cost of childcare – particularly for infants and toddlers – to be unreasonably high. It’s time to provide support for New York families with young children. It’s time for universal childcare.
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The Manhattan Borough President’s Office (MBPO) is first and foremost the primary connection between the people of Manhattan and your city government.
We can assist you with issues like housing, public benefits, health care, education, immigration, public safety, sanitation, economic development, and other quality-of-life concerns. We act as your frontline ombudsman, coordinating effective and timely response to your requests.