Hillsboro, Oregon, United States
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I am a digital integrated circuits engineer, primarily focusing on SoCs, ASICs, and…


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Experience & Education

  • Intel Corporation

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Volunteer Experience

  • Engineering Graduate Student Council at Columbia Engineering Graphic

    Communications Committee and Department Representative

    Engineering Graduate Student Council at Columbia Engineering

    -8 months


    I was elected to represent the electrical engineering department in the graduate student council at Columbia Engineering. I was also a member of the communications committee in the council working on drafting and sending newsletters.

  • IEEE Student Branch Executive Committee Graphic

    Head of Academics and Research

    IEEE Student Branch Executive Committee

    -1 year 8 months

    Science and Technology

    Head of the Academics and Research wing of Mahindra University's IEEE student branch. I was also the webmaster for the executive committee.

  • AETHER MEC Graphic

    Lead Designer and Web Developer


    -3 months

    Science and Technology

    • I worked on developing a website for my college's annual techno-cultural fest named Aether.
    • Professional website developed using HTML/CSS/JS.
    • Led the core team of five people.

    Past Website URL - https://aethermec.com
    Current URL of the Website - https://saivittalb.com/aether-website-2019

  • JBoss Community by Red Hat Graphic

    Open Source Developer

    JBoss Community by Red Hat

    -3 months

    Science and Technology

    • Participated in Google Code-in 2018, an event aimed at promoting Open Source.
    • Worked on multiple projects majorly based on Angular, Android, Django, Node.js, Firebase, MongoDB, CI, and Chatbots.
    • Was ranked 2nd among the organization members in the number of tasks completed.


  • Broadening of magnetocaloric effect at elevated temperatures in nanocrystalline ZnFe2O4 thin films

    Results in Physics (Elsevier)

    Published in a peer-reviewed journal with an impact factor of 5.3 (2024).

    The detection and characterization of the Magnetocaloric Effect (MCE) at the nanoscale and its subsequent impact on next-generation cooling on-chip devices are of paramount importance. Here, we demonstrate that the MCE properties housed within a ferrimagnetic phase arise in disordered ZnFe2O4. The robustness of the MCE in terms of magnetic entropy change ΔSmax (=0.07–0.09 J/kg-K at 0.5 T) emerges in…

    Published in a peer-reviewed journal with an impact factor of 5.3 (2024).

    The detection and characterization of the Magnetocaloric Effect (MCE) at the nanoscale and its subsequent impact on next-generation cooling on-chip devices are of paramount importance. Here, we demonstrate that the MCE properties housed within a ferrimagnetic phase arise in disordered ZnFe2O4. The robustness of the MCE in terms of magnetic entropy change ΔSmax (=0.07–0.09 J/kg-K at 0.5 T) emerges in ZnFe2O4 thin films at larger temperature ranges 425–710 K, reaching above room temperature. By fitting the magnetization vs. temperature curves with a Gaussian-type distribution, we observed a correlation between the broadening of the MCE peak, Curie temperature (TC) distribution, and grain size distributions in nanocrystalline ZnFe2O4 thin films. The width of TC distributions increases (up to 150 K) and consequently, the ΔS curves show an extended full width at half maximum, resulting in larger relative cooling power (RCP), and a wider change in specific heat capacities (ΔCP) and adiabatic temperatures (ΔTad). This study reveals that tuning the relative strengths of the sublattice spin configuration of antiferromagnetic (AFM) ZnFe2O4 through in-situ and ex-situ heat treatment paves the way for the alteration of MCE properties.

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  • Leveraging of both positive and negative magnetocaloric effects in ZnFe2O4 layers

    Materials Research Bulletin (Elsevier)

    Published in a peer-reviewed journal with an impact factor of 5.4 (2023).

    The novel magnetocaloric thin film material with a tunable magnetic transition is the cornerstone of magnetic refrigeration, which plays a crucial role in cooling on-chip devices. Zn-ferrite (ZnFe2O4) occupies a significant place due to its interesting grain size-controlled magnetism. In this study, we investigate the magnetocaloric properties of Zn-ferrite layers consisting of a mixture of…

    Published in a peer-reviewed journal with an impact factor of 5.4 (2023).

    The novel magnetocaloric thin film material with a tunable magnetic transition is the cornerstone of magnetic refrigeration, which plays a crucial role in cooling on-chip devices. Zn-ferrite (ZnFe2O4) occupies a significant place due to its interesting grain size-controlled magnetism. In this study, we investigate the magnetocaloric properties of Zn-ferrite layers consisting of a mixture of superparamagnetic (SPM), ferrimagnetic (FiM), and bulk-type antiferromagnetic (AFM) grains. Due to the co-existence of different magnetic grains, a crossover from the conventional magnetocaloric effect (MCE) to the inverse magnetocaloric effect (IMCE) is observed. The magnetic entropy change (-ΔSM) exhibits high-temperature positive values around the Curie temperature (TC) and low-temperature negative values around either the Néel temperature (TN) or blocking temperature (TB). The maximum value of -ΔSM (0.10 J/kg K) is almost double in AFM-dominant samples compared to SPM-dominant samples, while maintaining a relative cooling power (RCP) of 11.57−14.82 J/Kg under applied fields of 0−2T. FiM-dominant samples, with a wide working temperature window around room temperature, are suitable for large RCP applications. Thus, the discovery of new IMCE materials like single layers of Zn-ferrite is equally important in the search for suitable conventional MCE materials for magnetic refrigeration devices, which can exhibit multiple -ΔSM and RCP peaks in low and high temperatures.

    See publication
  • Exploration of room-temperature magnetocaloric effect in nanogranular Ni–Cr thin films

    MRS Communications (Springer)

    Published in a peer-reviewed journal with an impact factor of 2.935 (2021) and a five-year impact factor of 2.714 (2021).

    From multicomponent high-entropy alloys (AlCoCrFeNi) through ternary alloys (CrFeNi) to binary (NiCr) alloys, Cr doping plays a critical role in altering the magnetocaloric properties of the resultant alloys. Magnetocaloric effect (MCE) of Ni100−xCrx (x = 5, 10, 15 at.%) nanogranular thin films were investigated by varying Cr concentration, which…

    Published in a peer-reviewed journal with an impact factor of 2.935 (2021) and a five-year impact factor of 2.714 (2021).

    From multicomponent high-entropy alloys (AlCoCrFeNi) through ternary alloys (CrFeNi) to binary (NiCr) alloys, Cr doping plays a critical role in altering the magnetocaloric properties of the resultant alloys. Magnetocaloric effect (MCE) of Ni100−xCrx (x = 5, 10, 15 at.%) nanogranular thin films were investigated by varying Cr concentration, which demonstrate near room-temperature magnetic entropy change (− ΔSM = 0.08 J/kg K) and relative cooling power (RCP = 25 J/kg) at 10 at.% Cr. The MCE properties are well predicted using a phenomenological model based on magnetization as a function of temperature, and they correlate well with experimentally measured magnetic isotherms.

    See publication
  • Competing Magnetic Interactions in Inverted Zn-Ferrite Thin Films

    Magnetism (MDPI)

    Zn-ferrite is a versatile material among spinels owing to its physicochemical properties, as demonstrated in rich phase diagrams, with several conductive or magnetic behaviors dictated by its cation inversion. The strength and the type of cation inversion can be manipulated through the various thermal treatment conditions. In this study, inverted Zn-ferrite thin films prepared from radio frequency magnetron sputtering were subjected to different in situ (in vacuum) and ex situ (in…

    Zn-ferrite is a versatile material among spinels owing to its physicochemical properties, as demonstrated in rich phase diagrams, with several conductive or magnetic behaviors dictated by its cation inversion. The strength and the type of cation inversion can be manipulated through the various thermal treatment conditions. In this study, inverted Zn-ferrite thin films prepared from radio frequency magnetron sputtering were subjected to different in situ (in vacuum) and ex situ (in air) annealing treatments. The temperature and field dependence of magnetization behaviors reveal multiple magnetic interactions compared to its bulk antiferromagnet behavior. Using the magnetic component model, the different magnetic interactions can be explained in terms of superparamagnetic (SPM), paramagnetic (PM), and ferrimagnetic (FM) contributions. At low temperatures, the SPM and FM contributions can be approximated to the hard and soft ferrimagnetic phases of Zn-ferrite, respectively, which changes with the annealing temperature and sputter power. Distinct magnetic properties emanating from in situ annealing compared to the ex-situ annealing were ascribed to the nonzero Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio, leading to the different magnetic interactions. The anisotropy was found to be the key parameter that governs the behavior of annealed in situ samples.

    See publication
  • Design of various Ni-Cr nanostructures and deducing their magnetic anisotropy

    Applied Nanoscience (Springer)

    Published in a peer-reviewed journal with an impact factor of 3.674 (2020) and a five-year impact factor of 4.604 (2020).

    Understanding the effects of interparticle interactions is a vital problem because magnetic nanoparticles showcase a variety of magnetic configurations due to different contributions to their total energy. To derive reliable and robust properties from magnetic nanoparticles, it is thus necessary to understand the competition between particle anisotropy…

    Published in a peer-reviewed journal with an impact factor of 3.674 (2020) and a five-year impact factor of 4.604 (2020).

    Understanding the effects of interparticle interactions is a vital problem because magnetic nanoparticles showcase a variety of magnetic configurations due to different contributions to their total energy. To derive reliable and robust properties from magnetic nanoparticles, it is thus necessary to understand the competition between particle anisotropy and interparticle interactions that define the magnetic state of nanoparticles, where size control plays an important role. Here, we apply the random anisotropy model (RAM) that considers various magnetic interactions to selectively prepared NiCr nanostructures (NiCr dense nano-clusters, nano-granular NiCr thin films, and Ag(NiCr) nano-composites) with different interparticle interactions. The estimated single-particle magnetic anisotropy K values (2.82 – 12.3 × 10^4 J/m^3) and careful analysis of magnetization behavior for these nanostructures reveal that orbital hybridization, surface segregation, and interface character govern the magnetic interactions among nanoparticles. Our study demonstrates how magnetic behaviors vary in these different magnetic systems consisting of superparamagnetic (SPM) and ferromagnetic (FM) contributions specific to magnetic interactions.

    See publication
  • A Road up the Shimmering Blues

    Swattle Publishing House

    A contemporary fictional novel.

    Ranked #9 out of millions of titles in "Biographical Fiction" and "Asian American Literature" on the Amazon US book store in February 2021.
    Ranked #67 out of millions of titles in "Literature & Fiction" and #211 in the "Kindle Store" on the Amazon India book store in February 2021.

    Viyon is a young gifted boy who considers himself under-confident despite outperforming his peers by a significant margin. When life was going pretty well, he wasn’t…

    A contemporary fictional novel.

    Ranked #9 out of millions of titles in "Biographical Fiction" and "Asian American Literature" on the Amazon US book store in February 2021.
    Ranked #67 out of millions of titles in "Literature & Fiction" and #211 in the "Kindle Store" on the Amazon India book store in February 2021.

    Viyon is a young gifted boy who considers himself under-confident despite outperforming his peers by a significant margin. When life was going pretty well, he wasn’t happy, and suddenly, when things went south, his entirety became a question. This starts taking a huge toll on him; several clashes between his parents, unfortunate events forcing him to shift to one of the most brutal and dreadful schools in the country. This thrilling and captivating story follows the journey of Viyon trying to find himself and establish a part in life; in a world where the odds are unbalanced. The main objective for him—to learn to face his fears and doubts head-on so that they succeed in bringing out the star in him for the world to see.

    See publication
  • MergeURL: An Effective URL Merging and Shortening Service

    International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

    Published in a journal with ISI Impact Factor of 1.536 (2019).

    Multiple URLs belonging to the same purpose can become cumbersome to display, share, and handle. In this paper we describe MergeURL, an n-tier application to merge and shorten multiple URLs instantly overcoming the barriers of authentication and registration process while not compromising with security and resistance to data redundancy.

    See publication


  • Hardware design of anomaly detecting AI for particle detectors


    Referenced and customized an existing auto-encoder model. Synthesized modified model on Xilinx Alveo U55C FPGA accelerator card. Documented the process while comparing the FPGA vs. CPU execution in terms of power, latency, throughput, and accuracy. Collaborated with Princeton physicists and Fermilab.

    Tools used: Python, hls4ml, C++

  • Enhancing ADAM VLSI design flow with Cadence Conformal LEC


    Integrated logical equivalence checking (LEC) into the current Advanced VLSI Design Automation and Methodology (ADAM) class flow using Cadence Conformal. LEC checks were conducted between key junctures of the flow: Register Transfer Level (RTL) to synthesis (Syn), synthesis to place and route (PnR), and RTL to PnR.

    Tools used: Cadence Conformal, Genus, Innovus, TCL, Python

  • Integration of SD card controller IP in ESP


    Integrated an open-source SD card controller IP through an AHB to Wishbone bus allowing communication between the CPU tile of ESP (an open-source SoC model) and the SD card controller. Verified simulation waveforms to ensure design is FPGA ready.

    Tools used: Verilog, ModelSim, C++

    See project
  • Understanding network behavior of IoT devices


    Set up a diverse range of IoT devices for packet capture using Wireshark. Examined each device's security and privacy metrics by doing protocol analysis (network, transport, application layers), endpoint analysis, and device communication patterns. Additionally, worked on frontend of Thingscope, a tool generating audit reports from PCAP files.

    Tools used: Wireshark, React.js, Python

    See project
  • Design of an on-chip CMOS feedback amplifier that drives an oscilloscope input


    Constructed an Operational-Transconductance-Amplifier (OTA) with a maximum supply current of 250 uA and a closed loop gain of 8. Performed DC simulation on the OTA to obtain DC operating points, transient analysis for the settling time and overshoot accuracy for the input step response, AC analysis for estimating different gains, and finally, estimated the integrated noise.

    Tools used: Cadence Virtuoso, Spectre

  • Design of an 8-bit microprocessor core


    Designed adder, shifter, SRAM memory, decoder, latch, MUX, and bus driver as a part of microprocessor core. Assembled these blocks and checked functionality of microprocessor with UltraSim and Spectre simulations. The schematics of each block were further hand-routed into layout. The layouts were ensured to be Design Rule Checking (DRC) and Layout-Versus-Schematic (LVS) clean. The final layout design was streamed out to a GDSII file.

    Tools used: Cadence Virtuoso, UltraSim, Spectre

  • Formal verification of a 16-bit SIMD processor


    Performed thorough formal verification on a 16-bit SIMD processor written in Verilog. Devised custom SystemVerilog Assertions (SVA) to check numerous properties and functionality of processor.

    Tools used: SystemVerilog Assertions, Verilog, Questa PropCheck

    See project
  • Optimizing and synthesizing the DWARF-7 CNN accelerator


    Modified a high-level-synthesis (HLS) model of the DWARF-7 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) accelerator to a Pareto optimal level. Once a single assigned layer was refined, entire system was also improved. Furthermore, model was synthesized using Catapult HLS to meet low area and latency targets.

    Tools used: SystemC, Catapult HLS

  • Understanding various magnetic interactions in nanoscale Zn-ferrite layers and their application in magnetic tunnel junction


    Inverted Zn-ferrite thin films prepared from radio frequency magnetron sputtering were subjected to different in-situ (in vacuum) and ex-situ (in air) annealing treatments. Using the magnetic component model, the different magnetic interactions can be explained in terms of superparamagnetic (SPM), paramagnetic (PM), and ferrimagnetic (FM) contributions. Distinct magnetic properties emanating from in-situ annealing compared to ex-situ annealing have been ascribed to the non-zero Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio,…

    Inverted Zn-ferrite thin films prepared from radio frequency magnetron sputtering were subjected to different in-situ (in vacuum) and ex-situ (in air) annealing treatments. Using the magnetic component model, the different magnetic interactions can be explained in terms of superparamagnetic (SPM), paramagnetic (PM), and ferrimagnetic (FM) contributions. Distinct magnetic properties emanating from in-situ annealing compared to ex-situ annealing have been ascribed to the non-zero Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio, leading to the different magnetic interactions. The anisotropy is found to be the key parameter that governs the behavior of in-situ annealed samples.

    Tools used: MATLAB, Jupyter Notebook

  • Sunrise simulation alarm


    An Arduino Nano based sunrise simulating alarm clock. All interfacing is done through I2C protocol and the design works efficiently.
    Developed as a part of PR 301 - Embedded Hardware Project under the supervision of Dr. KR Sarma and Dr. Bharghava Rajaram. The final report can be viewed in the provided project URL.

    Tools used: Arduino, C, C++, Fritzing

    See project
  • MergeURL


    A secure URL merging and shortening service which works for up to 5 different links.

    Tech stack used: MongoDB, Flask, React.js, Node.js

    Other creators
    • Mehant Kammakomati
    See project
  • atomeOS


    atomeOS enables eco-friendly computing out of the box to help reduce your carbon footprint by prolonging battery life, reducing resource load and power usage, and can even revive older computers without sacrificing the aesthetics or performance of the operating system.

    Clever power management algorithms were employed to achieve this efficiency by defaulting the least time taking configurations based on the processor and environment.

    Built on top of the Linux kernel and utilizes…

    atomeOS enables eco-friendly computing out of the box to help reduce your carbon footprint by prolonging battery life, reducing resource load and power usage, and can even revive older computers without sacrificing the aesthetics or performance of the operating system.

    Clever power management algorithms were employed to achieve this efficiency by defaulting the least time taking configurations based on the processor and environment.

    Built on top of the Linux kernel and utilizes the LXQt desktop environment. Compatible only with 64-bit architecture.

    See project
  • CovSense


    An Android based contact tracing app which enables people to self-isolate if they have been in close proximity to someone tested positive for COVID-19. The app uses a combination of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, BluetoothLE and ultrasonic modem to communicate a unique-in-time pairing code between devices (using the Nearby Messages Google API).

    Tech stack used: Android codebase in Java, Firebase Authentication, Firestore, Firebase Functions, Nearby Messages API

    See project

Honors & Awards

  • Winner of CE Challenge - GNOME


    Our project proposal for engaging beginning coders with the free and open-source software (FOSS) community was accepted among the top 20 from many applications around the world and was funded with $1000.

    GNOME Community Engagement Challenge: https://www.gnome.org/challenge/winners/ (Phase One Winners. Team name: welOSS)

  • Winner of Community Choice - EarthxHack


    CovSense was awarded the Community Choice at the prestigious EarthxHack 2020. Prize money of $400 was awarded.

    EarthxHack: https://earthxhack20.devpost.com/project-gallery (Project: CovSense)

  • World rank of 3,160 in World Memory Statistics

    World Memory Statistics

    As of February 2018.

  • 4th Place - Bournvita Quiz Contest

    Cadbury Bournvita Quiz Contest

    I, and my friend, as a duo, qualified for the stage round by beating 1000s of teams around the country, after which, we ended up in 4th place.

Test Scores

  • GRE

    Score: 322/340

    Q: 169/170
    V: 153/170
    AWA: 4.5/6.0


    Score: 105/120

    R: 28/30
    L: 28/30
    S: 25/30
    W: 24/30


  • English

    Native or bilingual proficiency

  • Hindi

    Professional working proficiency

  • Telugu

    Native or bilingual proficiency

  • French

    Elementary proficiency


  • On Deck Founders


    - Present


  • Merge Club


    - Present


  • IEEE

    Student Member

  • Vittbookpro



    • A non-profit aimed at providing a new world for developers; to teach members and provide a common space for everyone interested in programming.• Conducted various sessions and educated about 600 people in the basics of C++.• Headed the growth endeavors for the non-profit that led to 12000 community members at peak.

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