Articles by Mike
- Business Logic Component [4 of 4]Apr 4, 2023
Business Logic Component [4 of 4]
In this final article of the BLoC series, we will look at code examples and practical implementation of several popular…
- Business Logic Component [3 of 4]Apr 4, 2023
Business Logic Component [3 of 4]
In the third part of a series of articles about the bloc, we will analyze successful and unsuccessful decisions…
- Harness the Power of Anonymous Functions in DartApr 4, 2023
Harness the Power of Anonymous Functions in Dart
Anonymous functions, also known as lambda expressions or closures, are an essential part of modern programming…
- Handling Asynchronous Dependencies in Flutter & DartApr 4, 2023
Handling Asynchronous Dependencies in Flutter & Dart
In Flutter and Dart applications, it is common to encounter scenarios where a class depends on an asynchronous…
2 Comments - Business Logic Component [1 of 4]Dec 5, 2022
Business Logic Component [1 of 4]
Introduction You can find the full original article here. We are starting a series of articles about Business Logic…
- Business Logic Component [2 of 4]Dec 5, 2022
Business Logic Component [2 of 4]
The second article is from a series of articles about BLoC. You can find the full article here.
- Anti-patterns of error handling in dartSep 28, 2022
Anti-patterns of error handling in dart
This article will show common pitfalls you can make when handling exceptions and how to do it right. The article will…
- Layer linkSep 14, 2022
Layer link
Let’s take a look at how to create and display widgets that appear on top of other widgets and follow them when moved…
1 Comment - ChangeNotifier selectorSep 3, 2022
ChangeNotifier selector
Have you had a situation where you must select and rebuild the interface only to change specific fields of your…
- 📌 New #medium #articles about #dart & #flutter• Learn Data Structures the Fun Way with Flutter 👏75 https://lnkd.in/dQcBMTRb• Building a…
📌 New #medium #articles about #dart & #flutter• Learn Data Structures the Fun Way with Flutter 👏75 https://lnkd.in/dQcBMTRb• Building a…
Posted byMike Matiunin
- 🐙 Trending Repository: dart_simple_live ⭐8282简简单单的看直播• Check it out: https://lnkd.in/dyfpVNvs#dart #flutter #github #repository #trends
🐙 Trending Repository: dart_simple_live ⭐8282简简单单的看直播• Check it out: https://lnkd.in/dyfpVNvs#dart #flutter #github #repository #trends
Posted byMike Matiunin
- 🐙 Trending Repository: FlClash ⭐15488A multi-platform proxy client based on ClashMeta,simple and easy to use,open-source and ad-free.• Check it…
🐙 Trending Repository: FlClash ⭐15488A multi-platform proxy client based on ClashMeta,simple and easy to use,open-source and ad-free.• Check it…
Posted byMike Matiunin
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Business Logic Component [4 of 4]
See publicationIn this final article of the BLoC series, we will look at code examples and practical implementation of several popular cases. The first case - creating your own simple bloc based on a change notifier. In the second example, we implement pagination using the bloc package.
Business Logic Component [3 of 4]
See publicationIn the third part of a series of articles about the block, we will analyze successful and unsuccessful decisions, typical mistakes, and misconceptions when designing a Business Logic Component.
Business Logic Component [2 of 4]
See publicationIn this article, we will look at the division into layers and the general structure of the project.
Flutter Developer Roadmap
See publicationRoadmap describing the approximate path of a flutter developer
Business Logic Component [1 of 4]
See publicationIntroduction to the theory of Business Logic Component. Consideration of the main patterns, concept overview, and problems to be solved.
Anti-patterns of error handling in dart
See publicationThis article will show common mistakes you can make when handling exceptions and alternatives to how to do it right.
Layer link
See publicationWorkshop showing how to link two layers together. And attach an overlay entry to a specific widget, tracking its movements.
ChangeNotifier selector
See publicationArticle about how to select a value from the ChangeNotifier and transform it to a ValueListenable
Используем BuildContext как IoC
See publicationЧто такое BuildContext во Flutter, нужен ли он, зачем нужны StatefulWidget/InheritedWidget и можно ли без них обойтись.
Введение в Business Logic Components (BLoC)
See publicationВведение в Business Logic Components aka BLoC
Разбираемся что есть BLoC, зачем он нужен и как его правильно использовать.
Cross-platform html/io logger with simple API. No need to create a logger object. Just import and use. Simple and w/o boilerplate. Work with native console.
Control package
Simple state management for Flutter with concurrency support.
Flutter docker image
Docker Images for Flutter & Dart with useful utils and web build support.
Provides convenient access to multiline String records with method extensions.
Octopus package
A cross-platform declarative router for Flutter with a focus on state and nested navigation.
Platform Info package
Cross-platform io/html package. Works on the web, mobile phones, desktops and console. Fully caches itself on first initialization.
Pubspec Generator
Pubspec Generator is a Dart library that auto-generates a class containing the information from pubspec.yaml description, dependencies and the current app version for all possible platforms. This is an efficient way to keep the application metadata up-to-date across your entire project.
RePaint package
Library for creating and managing a canvas similar to CustomPaint but with more features. It also contains structures needed for efficient rendering of large-scale scenes and worlds, such as QuadTree.
Spinify package
Dart (Flutter) client SDK for bidirectional communication with Centrifugo and Centrifuge-based server over WebSocket
Symmetric XOR cipher library
XOR Encryption is an encryption method used to encrypt data and is hard to crack by brute-force method, i.e generating random encryption keys to match with the correct one. The XOR Encryption algorithm is a very effective yet easy to implement method of symmetric encryption.
Vixen Telegram Bot
Telegram Vixen Bot is a bot for automatically banning spammers in Telegram chats. Written in Dart that helps prevent spam in Telegram groups by generating and sending CAPTCHA challenges to new users with a virtual keyboard. It automatically deletes initial messages from unverified users and supports multiple blocking modes.
✨ Features
▶ CAPTCHA Verification: Requires new users to complete a CAPTCHA before they can send messages.
▶ Blocking Modes: Supports different verification and…Telegram Vixen Bot is a bot for automatically banning spammers in Telegram chats. Written in Dart that helps prevent spam in Telegram groups by generating and sending CAPTCHA challenges to new users with a virtual keyboard. It automatically deletes initial messages from unverified users and supports multiple blocking modes.
✨ Features
▶ CAPTCHA Verification: Requires new users to complete a CAPTCHA before they can send messages.
▶ Blocking Modes: Supports different verification and restriction mechanisms.
▶ Admin API: Provides an API for managing bot settings and operations.
▶ SQLite Storage: Stores persistent data in an SQLite database.
▶ Group-Specific Monitoring: Watches only designated groups.
▶ Metrics Support: Tracks bot performance and user activity.
▶ Flexible Configuration: Configurable via command-line arguments, .env file, or environment variables.
▶ Cross-Platform: Runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, Docker. AMD64 and ARM64 architectures are supported.
▶ Combot Anti-Spam: Checks messages with Combot Anti-Spam API.
▶ Reports: Sends reports about activity in the chat.
▶ Summary: Sends a summary of the chat activity for the last 24 hours.
▶ Clown Reactions: Reacts to messages with a clown emoji.
▶ Open-Source: Available under the MIT License.WS: Cross-platform WebSocket client
The ws package provides a cross-platform WebSocket client for both Dart and Flutter applications. It allows you to connect to a WebSocket server, send and receive messages, and handle the connection state changes.
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📌 New #medium #articles about #dart & #flutter• Making Flutter Mobile Apps Shine with 3 Easy UI Effects — Part I 👏361 https://lnkd.in/d64CJgu7…
Posted byMike Matiunin
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🐙 Trending Repository: gopeed ⭐18621A modern download manager that supports all platforms. Built with Golang andFlutter.• Check it out:…
Posted byMike Matiunin
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🐙 Trending Repository: flutter_inappwebview ⭐3463A Flutter plugin that allows you to add an inline webview, to use a headlesswebview, and to open…
Posted byMike Matiunin
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📌 New #medium #articles about #dart & #flutter• Practical Flutter Architecture 👏120 https://lnkd.in/dNyxqzqS• Automating Release Notes…
Posted byMike Matiunin
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🐙 Trending Repository: Flutter-Responsive-Admin-Panel-or-Dashboard ⭐6879Responsive Admin Panel or Dashboard using Flutter• Check it out:…
Posted byMike Matiunin
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🐙 Trending Repository: Kazumi ⭐7917基于自定义规则的番剧采集APP,支持流媒体在线观看,支持弹幕,支持实时超分辨率。• Check it out: https://lnkd.in/dVJ4dii6#dart #flutter #github…
Posted byMike Matiunin
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📌 New #medium #articles about #dart & #flutter• Making use of Flutter Fragment shaders 👏5 https://lnkd.in/dfz8cs_f• How to Make Isolate…
Posted byMike Matiunin
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🐙 Trending Repository: dio ⭐12610A powerful HTTP client for Dart and Flutter, which supports global settings,Interceptors, FormData, aborting and…
Posted byMike Matiunin
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📝 Did you know you can enable Hot Reload for Flutter web in the beta channel (version 3.31)? Just switch to the beta branch with 'fvm use beta', add…
Posted byMike Matiunin
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🐙 Trending Repository: aidea ⭐6737AIdea 是一款支持 GPT 以及国产大语言模型通义千问、文心一言等,支持 Stable Diffusion 文生图、图生图、SDXL1.0、超分辨率、图片上色的全能型 APP。• Check it out:…
Posted byMike Matiunin
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Posted byMike Matiunin
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🐙 Trending Repository: keyviz ⭐7155Keyviz is a free and open-source tool to visualize your keystrokes ⌨️ and 🖱️mouse actions in real-time.•…
Posted byMike Matiunin
- 📝 Avoid throwing new exceptions in a catch block! Instead, use Error.throwWithStackTrace to maintain the original stack trace. This ensures you can…
📝 Avoid throwing new exceptions in a catch block! Instead, use Error.throwWithStackTrace to maintain the original stack trace. This ensures you can…
Posted byMike Matiunin
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📌 New #medium #articles about #dart & #flutter• Flutter. My new widget: MeshButton 👏276 https://lnkd.in/d8FCa4W2• Handling PUT & DELETE…
Posted byMike Matiunin
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🐙 Trending Repository: PicaComic ⭐8099A comic app built with Flutter, supporting multiple comic sources.• Check it out: https://lnkd.in/dd8_b_Ka…
Posted byMike Matiunin
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🐙 Trending Repository: pilipala ⭐9890PiliPala 是使用Flutter开发的BiliBili第三方客户端,感谢使用。• Check it out: https://lnkd.in/gQ7zb_2M#dart #flutter #github…
Posted byMike Matiunin
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Parts 1 and 2 of this series introduced the basic concepts of the settings-bundle and how to use it to create user-configurable settings in Symfony applications. In Part 3, you will learn how to version your settings and migrate between them, as well as how to combine environment variables with settings https://bit.ly/3YiRpNU #symfony #symfonydevs
Angular University
Are you still using the #Angular Webpack build, or did you already upgrade to the new ESBuild? 💪😉Let me tell you: the new build is FAST! ⚡️😁 And it creates tons of small bundles, ideal for HTTP2. Notice that 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐭 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐲 using the migration shown in the video below, your app is not yet using it. Enjoy 😉👍
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Get ready for the next version of the Inspector dashboard!We are on the verge of releasing new features on the Inspector dashboard that will be enhanced by the latest version of the client libraries. I strongly encourage all our customers to update it as soon as possible to get the most of the new value we designed.Everything will be public during the next week. Get ready!https://lnkd.in/dCyrCFf#saas #ai #devops #webdev #laravel #php
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#angular v19 experimentalIn the following example we create the "userResource" property using the new resource API (available in Angular v.19).This example is very similar to the one I shared yesterday but this time we use async...await instead.BONUS: resource API also offers a convenient "reload" method to re-fetch data
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