The Caltech Library supports Open Access publishing with a number of publishers. There are three primary models currently: Transformative Agreements (no APCs—article processing charges), support through Subscribe to Open (S2O) / Direct to Open (D2O) programs, and APC discount programs. In all cases, the corresponding author must be a Caltech affiliate. Using an email address, although not required by all of the programs, simplifies the process of receiving the APC waiver or discount. If you have any questions, please email
The Caltech Library has several transformative open access (OA) agreements with publishers that shift the scholarly publication process from a subscription service to an open access model. These agreements allow Caltech authors to make all articles and conference papers in the corresponding publications open access immediately at no cost to the author. See below for details on the specific agreements. If you have any questions, please email
Caltech Library is part of the American Chemical Society’s Transformative Agreement with theStatewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC). Corresponding authors employed by or attending Caltech are able to choose Open Access licensing in all ACS journals, whether hybrid or Gold Open access, for a flat fee.Contact the Library for further details.American Chemical Society press release and website.
With January 2024, the Library has a 5-year agreement with ASME that includes Open Access publishing at no cost to Caltech corresponding authors. When you submit a manuscript to ASME please use your email address so that when your paper is accepted you can publish under this agreement.
In January 2023, Caltech Library entered into a second three-year Transformative Agreement with theACM OPEN program. Corresponding authors employed by or attending Caltech are able to choose Open Access licensing in all ACM journals and conference proceedings without incurring any fees.Contact the Library for further details.Caltech news release.
The Library has a new transformative agreement with Cold Spring Harbor Press. The agreement means that the Library’s subscription covers both reading and publishing open access in specific CSH titles. Caltech corresponding authors with accepted manuscripts inGenes & Development, Genome Research, RNA, Learning & Memory andMolecular Case Studies are eligible to enjoy OA in these titles for no fee. Cold Spring Harbor hasa page with additional information. For questions about this program,contact the Library.
Caltech Library’s transformative agreement with Company of Biologists eliminates Open Access article processing charges (APCs) for both their hybrid and Gold OA titles. Caltech authors can publish OA, for free, inall Company of Biologists titles, includingDevelopment, Journal of Cell Science,Journal of Experimental Biology;Disease Models & Mechanisms, andBiology Open.Company of Biologists Read & Publish: participating institutions.
Formerly, the Caltech Library subscription to the ECS Plus package provided access to all of The Electrochemical Society’s online content. In addition, corresponding authors employed by or attending Caltech were able to choose Open Access licensing in all ECS publications. In 2023, IOP Publishing, the host of ECS content, entered into a Transformative Agreement with theStatewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC). Corresponding authors employed by or attending Caltech or JPL are able to choose Open Access licensing inECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology andJournal of the Electrochemical Society without incurring any fees. ECS Advances is currently funded entirely by ECS.Contact the Library for further details.IOP Publishing news release.
In 2023, IOP Publishing, the host of ECS content, entered into a Transformative Agreement with theStatewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC). Corresponding authors employed by or attending Caltech or JPL are able to choose Open Access licensing almost all of the IOP journals without incurring any fees. This program does not include the American Astronomical Society’s portfolio of journals.Contact the Library for further details.IOP Publishing news release.
Caltech’s corresponding authors are entitled to a discount on the article processing charges (APCs) forActa Crystallographica Section E based on the Library’s subscription toActa Crystallographica Section C.
Caltech Library’s membership provides a 10% discount on APCs across all of the MDPI journals for corresponding authors employed by or attending Caltech or JPL. MDPI Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP).
Caltech Library’s institutional subscription toProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences provides Caltech corresponding authors with a $500 discount off of the APC for immediate Open Access to an article. Currently, this rate is $4995 instead of $5495.PNAS APCs.
The Caltech Library participates in a number of initiatives designed to provide greater access to scholarly material, both for research outputs from the Institute and for global access to Institute scholarly outputs.
Caltech corresponding authors who publish in any Annual Reviews title enjoy some benefits from our Subscribe to Open (S2O) agreement. There are no article processing charges for Caltech authors when they publish in Annual Reviews titles. As well, their article will be published as Open Access.