




AWS 1 - Zero Downtime Deployments

ZDD strategies on AWS with OpenTofu/Ansible and SAM...

6 min · Jorge Tovar

AWS Creating a Rest API with Infrastructure as Code (Terraform) & Serverless (Lambda + Python) - Part 1

Terraform + Serverless...

6 min · Jorge Tovar

AWS Creating a Rest API with Infrastructure as Code (Terraform) & Serverless (Lambda + Python) - Part 2

Terraform + Serverless...

4 min · Jorge Tovar

AWS Development with CI/CD, SAM, and GitHub Actions

Software delivery template with SAM...

4 min · Jorge Tovar

AWS Provisioned Concurrency - Reduce Cold Starts in AWS Lambda Functions Part 1


6 min · Jorge Tovar

AWS S3 Replication (Cross-Region / Cross-Account)

Enable DRP and global capabilites in your organization...

3 min · Jorge Tovar

AWS Web Application with Automatic deploys using CircleCI

Create a static website simply with IaC, compilation time of milliseconds, and CI/CD...

2 min · Jorge Tovar

Clean Architecture with Java and Kotlin

Clean Architecture in Java...

3 min · Jorge Tovar

Completable Futures improving Performance

Avoid Java performance issues with Java 8 new Features...

2 min · Jorge Tovar

Continuous architecture

an approach to software architecture that emphasizes the need for continuous adaptation...

2 min · Jorge Tovar

Creando un API Rest con Infra como código (Terraform) & Serverless (Lambda + Python) - Parte 1 ☁️

Serverless + Terraform...

6 min · Jorge Tovar

Design Patterns in the light of Functional Programming

Implement same problems with different mindset...

4 min · Jorge Tovar

Embrace Immutability

Go & Terraform example of why immutability rocks...

4 min · Jorge Tovar

Git useful commands

Our brain is better at processing data than storing it...

2 min · Jorge Tovar

How to switch Java Versions

Want to try out the new features of Java...

1 min · Jorge Tovar

