AWS 1 - Zero Downtime Deployments
ZDD strategies on AWS with OpenTofu/Ansible and SAM...
AWS Creating a Rest API with Infrastructure as Code (Terraform) & Serverless (Lambda + Python) - Part 1
Terraform + Serverless...
AWS Creating a Rest API with Infrastructure as Code (Terraform) & Serverless (Lambda + Python) - Part 2
Terraform + Serverless...
AWS Development with CI/CD, SAM, and GitHub Actions
Software delivery template with SAM...
AWS Provisioned Concurrency - Reduce Cold Starts in AWS Lambda Functions Part 1
AWS S3 Replication (Cross-Region / Cross-Account)
Enable DRP and global capabilites in your organization...
AWS Web Application with Automatic deploys using CircleCI
Create a static website simply with IaC, compilation time of milliseconds, and CI/CD...
Clean Architecture with Java and Kotlin
Clean Architecture in Java...
Completable Futures improving Performance
Avoid Java performance issues with Java 8 new Features...
Continuous architecture
an approach to software architecture that emphasizes the need for continuous adaptation...
Creando un API Rest con Infra como código (Terraform) & Serverless (Lambda + Python) - Parte 1 ☁️
Serverless + Terraform...
Design Patterns in the light of Functional Programming
Implement same problems with different mindset...
Embrace Immutability
Go & Terraform example of why immutability rocks...
Git useful commands
Our brain is better at processing data than storing it...
How to switch Java Versions
Want to try out the new features of Java...