ACHEBE, Chinue. When things fall apart, First Anchor Books, New York, 1994.
AMADI, Elechi. The Concubine, Heinemann, Ibadan, 1988
AMADIUME, Solomon. Igbo Tradition and Philosophy, Aritiz Communication Enugu, Enugu, 1998
ANORUE, J. C.; IBRAHIM, Abdullahim; SALAMI, Raimi. How to study English, Ibo, Hausa and Yoruba languages, Good-Way printing press, Onitsha
Department of Surveying, Geodesy and Photogrammetry, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. Tourist Guide Map Enugu and Environs, 1995
ECHERUO, Michael J.C. Igbo-English Dictionary, Longman, Ikeja, 2001
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IGWE, G.E.; GREEN, M. M. A short Igbo Grammar, University Press Limited in association with Oxford University Press, Ibadan, 1979
NASON, Ian. Enjoy Nigeria, Spectrum Books Limited, Ibadan, 1993
NNOLI, Okwudiba. Ethnic Politics in Nigeria, Fourth Dimension Publisher, Enugu, 1980
OGBALU, F. Chidozie. Igbo Mbü Maka Elementrï 2, University Publishing Co. and Nelson, Onitsha, 1981
OGBUKAGU, Ik. N. Traditional Igbo Beliefs and Practices, Novelty Industrial Enterprises Ltd., Owerri, 1997
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"Best Websites for students"
Award in 2009