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Dick Dale "Tribal Thunder"

Dick Dale "Tribal Thunder"

album cover

Dick Dale
Tribal Thunder
The Story
Guitarist Dick Dale reports, ""Tribal Thunder" is the first time in my recordings that I have been able to have complete control over the way my Fender Strat guitar (The Beast) has been captured. Before, the engineers could not stop the sound of the beast from bleeding throughout the recording soundboard without putting limiters and suppressors on my guitar sound. Now, I have found the secret how to record the full fat sounds of my Strat. Enjoy and listen to the Thunder!" Replete with loud, fast, reverb-soaked guitar and throbbing drumming, "Tribal Thunder" is the hard driving music that Dick Dale fans have come to expect.
The Music
02:47The New VictorInstrumental
02:46Shredded HeatInstrumental
04:47Trail Of TearsInstrumental
02:23The EliminatorInstrumental
06:04Hot Links (Caterpillar Crawl / Rumble)Instrumental
03:57The Long RideVocal
06:15Tribal ThunderVocal
02:29Unnamed Bonus Track *Instrumental
    * Acoustic
The Artists
Dick DaleGuitar, Chants, Vocals, Production
Ron EglitBass
Scott MatthewsDrums, Percussion, Chants, Production
Prairie PrinceDrums, Percussion, Chants
Rowland SalleyBass
Joel SelvinProduction
Allen SudduthEngineering, Mixing
Rob BaldwinEngineering Assistance
Wolf KesslerEngineering Assistance
Joel JaffeEngineering
Paul StubblebineMastering
D.K. MercerArt Direction, Design
Jim CrouchCover Illustration
Michael OlsenPhotography
Recorded at Brilliant Studios, San Francisco and Studio D, Sausalito.

All tracks mixed at Brilliant.

Mastered at Rocket Lab, San Francisco.

Chants by The Tribe: Scott, Prairie, Kolleen, Dick, Jill, and Forrest.

