Selling Liquor in Grocery Stores?
Master Grocer2017-01-24T13:19:06-05:00Categories:News|Tags:Alcohol,Alcohol law,Alcoholic beverage,British Columbia,grocery store,liquor,liquor in grocery stores,liquor in supermarkets,liquor law,United States|
A debate on selling liquor in convenience and grocery stores has been stirred by the head of the liquor policy review in British Columbia, John Yap. This comes just a [...]
Artist Challenge for Chicago-Themed Bottle Design
Master Grocer2017-01-24T13:19:29-05:00Categories:Products|Tags:absolut,Absolut Vodka,Alcohol,pernod ricard usa,vodka|
Absolut Vodka, in partnership with Threadless, an online design outfit, will be hosting an artist challenge to encourage participants to come up with Chicago-themed artwork for its city-inspired limited-edition bottles. [...]