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TTBaseUIKit is a framework that helps you build iOS applications in the fastest and most efficient way, by providing base views written in both UIKit Programmatically and SwiftUI.


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TTBaseUIKit is a framework that helps you build iOS applications in the fastest and most efficient way, by providing base views written in both UIKit Programmatically and SwiftUI. The current release of TTBaseUIKit supports all versions of iOS and OS X since the introduction of Auto Layout on each platform, in Swift language with a single codebase.

In this update, I have included a Base Project called TTBaseUIKitExample, which provides comprehensive examples of Base classes such as BaseUIViewController, BaseUITableViewController, BaseCollectionViewController, and more in UIKit, as well as BaseView, BaseButton, BaseText, BaseStack, and others in SwiftUI. The simplest and most straightforward way to understand this is to download the example and run it. Hands-on practice is the easiest way to understand it well.

You can see more details in here:TTBaseUIKit - TTBaseUIKitExample


Swift Package Manager

  1. File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
  2. Add
  3. Select "Up to Next Major" with "2.1.0" or higher

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding Alamofire as a dependency is as easy as adding it to thedependencies value of yourPackage.swift.

dependencies: [    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.1.0"))]or dependencies: [    .package(url: "", branch: "master"),]

If you encounter any problem or have a question on adding the package to an Xcode project, I suggest reading the Adding Package Dependencies to Your App guide article from Apple.


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.Add the following line to your Podfile:



Add the following line to your Cartfile:



  1. Put TTBaseUIKit repo somewhere in your project directory.
  2. In Xcode, addTTBaseUIKit.xcodeproj to your project.
  3. On your app's target, add the TTBaseUIKit framework:
    1. as an embedded binary on the General tab.
    2. as a target dependency on the Build Phases tab.

Basic config settings

When you use this framework. You have the ability to controlColor,FontSize,UI size. It helps you a lot when you applythemes, build apps ondifferent platforms and they are easy to change. Config setting inAppDelegate

letview:ViewConfig=ViewConfig()view.viewBgNavColor=UIColor.blueview.viewBgColor=UIColor.whiteview.buttonBgDef=UIColor.blueview.buttonBgWar=UIColor.redletsize:SizeConfig=SizeConfig()size.H_SEG=50.0size.H_BUTTON=44.0letfont:FontConfig=FontConfig()font.HEADER_H=16font.TITLE_H=14font.SUB_TITLE_H=12font.SUB_SUB_TITLE_H=10TTBaseUIKitConfig.withDefaultConfig(withFontConfig: font, frameSize: size, view: view)?.start(withViewLog:true)self.window=UIWindow(frame:UIScreen.main.bounds)self.window!.rootViewController=UINavigationController.init(rootViewController:YourViewController())self.window!.makeKeyAndVisible()
  • WithViewConfig, you can customize the most of colors forButton,Label,Background colors, ect. You can see all the config here:ViewConfig
  • WithSizeConfig, you can customize the most of size forButton,Label,Navigation,Conner radius,Icon,Textfield, ect. You can see all the config here:SizeConfig
  • WithFontConfig, you can customize the most of font size forTitle,SubTitle,Header, ect. You can see all the config here:FontConfig

Apply config by:

TTBaseUIKitConfig.withDefaultConfig(withFontConfig: font, frameSize: size, view: view)?.start(withViewLog: true)


TTBaseUIKit dramatically simplifies writing to build UI programmatically. Let's take a quick look at some examples, usingTTBaseUIKit from Swift.

Interface Customization

Show Message

letnoti:TTBaseNotificationViewConfig=TTBaseNotificationViewConfig(with: window)noti.setText(with:"WELCOME ^^", subTitle:"Just demo little element ui with write by  programmatically swift")noti.type=.NOTIFICATION_VIEWnoti.touchType=.SWIPEnoti.notifiType=.SUCCESSnoti.onShow()

Show Popup

letpopupVC=TTPopupViewController(title:"SOMETHING LIKE THIS", subTitle:"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has b", isAllowTouchPanel:true)yourVC.present(popupVC, animated:true)

Show empty for table view

yourVC.tableView.setStaticBgNoData(title:"NO DATA", des:"Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making"){print("Touch handle!!!!")}


This is aprotocol use to easily organize UI handling code. You can see all configs here:ViewCodable

  • func setupViewCodable(with views:[UIView])

    This function calls all other functions in the correct order. You can use it in an UIViewController viewDidLoad method or in a view initializer, for example.

  • func setupStyles()

    This function should be used to apply styles to your customs views.

  • func setupData()

    This function should be used to set data

  • func setupConstraints()

    This function should be used to add constraints to your customs views

  • func setupBaseDelegate()

    This function should be used to set delegate for views

Base UIViews

Custom View

import TTBaseUIKitclassYourCustomView:TTBaseUIView{overridefunc updateBaseUIView(){        super.updateBaseUIView()}}extensionYourCustomView:TTViewCodable{func setupStyles(){}func setupCustomView(){}func setupConstraints(){}}


import  TTBaseUIKitclassBaseUIViewController:TTBaseUIViewController<DarkBaseUIView>{varlgNavType:BaseUINavigationView.TYPE{get{return.DEFAULT}}varbackType:BaseUINavigationView.NAV_BACK=.BACK_POPoverridefunc viewWillAppear(_ animated:Bool){        super.viewWillAppear(true)self.updateForNav()}publicoverrideinit(){        super.init()self.navBar=BaseUINavigationView(withType:self.lgNavType)self.setDelegate()}publicconvenienceinit(backType:BaseUINavigationView.NAV_BACK){self.init()self.backType= backType}publicconvenienceinit(withTitleNav title:String, backType:BaseUINavigationView.NAV_BACK=.BACK_POP){self.init()self.backType= backTypeself.setTitleNav(title)}publicconvenienceinit(withNav nav:BaseUINavigationView, backType:BaseUINavigationView.NAV_BACK=.BACK_POP){self.init()self.backType= backTypeself.navBar= navself.setDelegate()}requiredinit?(coder aDecoder:NSCoder){fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")}}// MARK: For private base funcsextensionBaseUIViewController{fileprivatefunc setDelegate(){iflet lgNav=self.navBaras?BaseUINavigationView{ lgNav.delegate=self}}fileprivatefunc updateForNav(){iflet lgNav=self.navBaras?BaseUINavigationView{            lgNav.setTitle(title:"TTBASEUIVIEW_KIT")}}}// MARK: For public base funcs//--NAVextensionBaseUIViewController{func setTitleNav(_ text:String){self.navBar.setTitle(title: text)}func setShowNav(){self.statusBar.isHidden=falseself.navBar.isHidden=false}func setHiddenNav(){self.statusBar.isHidden=trueself.navBar.isHidden=true}}extensionBaseUIViewController:BaseUINavigationViewDelegate{func navDidTouchUpBackButton(withNavView nav:BaseUINavigationView){ifself.backType==.BACK_POP{self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated:true)}elseifself.backType==.BACK_TO_ROOT{self.navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated:true)}else{self.dismiss(animated:true, completion:nil)}}func navDidTouchUpRightButton(withNavView nav:BaseUINavigationView){}}


import TTBaseUIKitclassBaseUITableViewController:TTBaseUITableViewController{overridevarnavType:TTBaseUIViewController<TTBaseUIView>.NAV_STYLE{get{return.STATUS_NAV}}varlgNavType:BaseUINavigationView.TYPE{get{return.DEFAULT}}varbackType:BaseUINavigationView.NAV_BACK=.BACK_POPoverridefunc viewWillTransition(to size:CGSize, with coordinator:UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator){        super.viewWillTransition(to: size, with: coordinator)DispatchQueue.main.async{[weak self]inguardlet strongSelf=selfelse{return}guardlet headerView= strongSelf.tableView.tableHeaderViewelse{return}            headerView.layoutIfNeeded()letheader= strongSelf.tableView.tableHeaderView            strongSelf.tableView.tableHeaderView= header}}overridefunc updateBaseUI(){        super.updateBaseUI()self.navBar=BaseUINavigationView(withType:self.lgNavType)self.setDelegate()}}//For Base private funcsextensionBaseUITableViewController:BaseUINavigationViewDelegate{fileprivatefunc setDelegate(){iflet lgNav=self.navBaras?BaseUINavigationView{ lgNav.delegate=self}}func navDidTouchUpBackButton(withNavView nav:BaseUINavigationView){self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated:true)}}

Auto Layout

TTBaseUIKit to make easy Auto Layout. This framework provides some functions to setup and update constraints.

  • setLeadingAnchor : Set/Update value forcurrent view orsuper view
  • setTrailingAnchor(_ view:UIView? = nil, isUpdate:Bool = false, constant:CGFloat, isApplySafeArea:Bool = false, priority:UILayoutPriority? = nil)
  • setTopAnchor(_ view:UIView? = nil, isUpdate:Bool = false, constant:CGFloat, priority:UILayoutPriority? = nil)
  • setBottomAnchor(_ view:UIView? = nil, isUpdate:Bool = false, constant:CGFloat,isMarginsGuide:Bool = false, priority:UILayoutPriority? = nil)
  • setCenterXAnchor(_ view:UIView? = nil, isUpdate:Bool = false, constant:CGFloat)
  • setcenterYAnchor(_ view:UIView? = nil, isUpdate:Bool = false, constant:CGFloat)

Useful functions

TTBaseUIKit provides common handling functions forString,Date,Json,Device,Language,VietNamLunar,Validation,NetworkSpeedTest

TTBaseUIKit has integrated SwiftUI

With SwiftUI, Apple offers developers a unified UI framework for building user interfaces on all types of Apple devices.


In SwiftUI, the Spacer view is primarily used for layout and spacing purposes, and it doesn’t have direct properties to change background color or set corner radius. However, we can create a customizing class to add some commonly used functions.

Example Apps

For more examples and usage, please refer to example projectTTBaseUIKitExample

TTBaseUIKitExample, which provides comprehensive examples of Base classes such as BaseUIViewController, BaseUITableViewController, BaseCollectionViewController, and more in UIKit, as well as BaseView, BaseButton, BaseText, BaseStack, and others in SwiftUI. The simplest and most straightforward way to understand this is to download the example and run it.

Installed Applications

During my work, I have updated and used this framework in many projects. All my project usingUI programmatically instead of usingStoryboard. Here are some screenshoots of the apps:

  • 12Bay iOS App

  • 12Bay MacOS app

  • Aihealth iOS app

  • TMS Mobile App

  • AiDoctor

  • WECARE 247

You can see all my projects here:Link


  • Reusable codes
  • Speed up your project
  • Easy to use


  • Mustbuild app to see UI,SwiftUI solved that problem I was thinking about.


Truong Quang Tuan –website – (

Hi, I’m Tuan (short for Quang-Tuan Truong). I’m a mobile lead with years of professional experience building applications and leading teams in both large companies and small startups.

Feel free to get in touch if you have suggestions, issues, or anything else. You can reach me via email or through my website:

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