I'm here a lot, building data-intensive products from the ground up.I'm bullish on, and a big booster of:
- modal.com! Truly cloud-native application development. The fastest way to run code in the cloud.
- 🌿💚@bazelbuild and generally using functional principles to keep things sane. (I've open-sourced a few tools for the Bazel ecosystem, see below)
- Good old-fashioned books 📖. Two recent favourites areThe Plot Against America andThe Netanyahus.
- Effective Altruism. Helping, not harming. Doing, not having. Building, not consuming. (Mosquito nets, not the SBF/FTX-style embarassment)
- Writing about software. I semi-regularly publish a post atthundergolfer.com/blog. A few are...
- ddiaflashcards.com - Building a study deck for a much loved software textbook. A small digital product, available for 🥜 $$.
- Growing Python in the Bazel ecosystem. See various projects in my pins. I previously did maintenance duty forbazelbuild/rules_python. Unfortunately, I no longer have time to dedicate to the ecosystem.
- whitelist.sh - A goal-oriented, calendar aware content feed that I would have wanted to use during my undergrad. 👷🏻♂️
Computing is pop culture. [...] Pop culture holds a disdain for history. Pop culture is all about identity and feeling like you're participating, It has nothing to do with cooperation, the past or the future—it's living in the present. I think the same is true of most people who write code for money. They have no idea where [their culture came from]. -Alan Kay
- modal-labs/modal-examples
modal-labs/modal-examples PublicExamples of programs built using Modal
- example-bazel-monorepo
example-bazel-monorepo Public template🌿💚 Example Bazel-ified monorepo, supporting Golang, Java, Python, Scala, and Typescript
- bazel-contrib/bazel-mypy-integration
bazel-contrib/bazel-mypy-integration Public🐍🌿💚 Integrate MyPy type-checking into your Python Bazel builds
- automated-github-organization-invites
automated-github-organization-invites PublicQuickly host a webpage allowing people to click and receive an invite to your Github Organization.
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