- Auckland, New Zealand
- Android_LearnMaori_App
Android_LearnMaori_App PublicAn Android application which allows the users to learn basic and simple Maori language translations. Layouts are designed according to the material design guidelines for better user experience.
Java 1
- Android_Weather_App
Android_Weather_App PublicAn Android application which fetches weather data from the OpenWeatherData Api depending on the user location. Users are also allowed to search for weather data by city name.
Java 1
- IOS_Flickr_App
IOS_Flickr_App PublicAn IOS mobile application which allows the user to fetch a random image from Flickr Api and save it in the local database. UIComponents such as UIViewControllers, TableViewControllers, UIAlertViewC…
- IOS_Photo_Library
IOS_Photo_Library PublicAn IOS mobile application which enables the user to add a photo from either the media library or by using the camera and save the images into a local database. This project consists of UI Component…
- Node_Weather_App_using_Promises
Node_Weather_App_using_Promises PublicA command line Node.js Weather application to receive weather details of a particular location (using address). call back functions are replaced using promises
- Node_Api
Node_Api PublicA Node RESTful Web Service for create, retrieve, update and deleted Activities and Users from MongoDB using Mongoose ORM
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