We’reShakaCode, a global team of open sourcecreators, developers, and designers with a passion for partnering with our clients to enable and transform their businesses. We develop elegant, high-performance mobile and web applications built with Ruby on Rails, Rust, React, TypeScript, ReScript and related technologies for simplified deployment and accelerated performance.
If you are looking for help with the development and optimization of your project, ShakaCode can help you to take the reliability and performance of your app to the next level.
If you are a developer interested in working on Ruby on Rails / Rust / TypeScript / ReScript projects,we're hiring!

The following companies support our open source projects, and ShakaCode uses their products!
- react_on_rails
react_on_rails PublicIntegration of React + Webpack + Rails + rails/webpacker including server-side rendering of React, enabling a better developer experience and faster client performance.
- control-plane-flow
control-plane-flow PublicThe power of Kubernetes with the ease of Heroku! Simple CI configuration for Heroku-style "review apps," staging deployments, and promoting staging to production, following the "convention over co…
- react-webpack-rails-tutorial
react-webpack-rails-tutorial PublicExample of integration of Rails, react, redux, using the react_on_rails gem, webpack, enabling the es7 and jsx transpilers, and node integration. And React Native! Live Demo:
- sass-resources-loader
sass-resources-loader PublicSASS resources (e.g. variables, mixins etc.) loader for Webpack. Also works with less, post-css, etc.
- cypress-playwright-on-rails
cypress-playwright-on-rails PublicUse or with your rails application. This Ruby gem lets you use your regular Rails test setup and clean-up, such as FactoryBot.
- react_on_rails Public
Integration of React + Webpack + Rails + rails/webpacker including server-side rendering of React, enabling a better developer experience and faster client performance.
shakacode/react_on_rails’s past year of commit activity - react-webpack-rails-tutorial Public
Example of integration of Rails, react, redux, using the react_on_rails gem, webpack, enabling the es7 and jsx transpilers, and node integration. And React Native! Live Demo:
shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial’s past year of commit activity - react_on_rails_rsc Public
shakacode/react_on_rails_rsc’s past year of commit activity - cypress-playwright-on-rails Public
Use or with your rails application. This Ruby gem lets you use your regular Rails test setup and clean-up, such as FactoryBot.
shakacode/cypress-playwright-on-rails’s past year of commit activity - control-plane-flow Public
The power of Kubernetes with the ease of Heroku! Simple CI configuration for Heroku-style "review apps," staging deployments, and promoting staging to production, following the "convention over configuration" philosophy.
shakacode/control-plane-flow’s past year of commit activity - comfortable-media-surfer Public
Comfortable Media Surfer is a powerful Ruby on Rails 7.0+ CMS (Content Management System) Engine
shakacode/comfortable-media-surfer’s past year of commit activity - react_on_rails_demo_ssr_hmr Public
react_on_rails tutorial demonstrating SSR, HMR fast refresh, and Typescript based on the rails/webpacker webpack setup
shakacode/react_on_rails_demo_ssr_hmr’s past year of commit activity
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