- Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia
- https://banuacoders.com
- @ryanaidilp_
- in/ryanaidilp
- https://medium.com/@ryanaidilp
A Laravel & Flutter enthusiast with 4+ years experience in Web (Mainly using Laravel, Vue, Inertia.js, and Tailwind CSS) and 3+ years experience in Mobile App Development (Native Android and Flutter).
Let's connect!
- Improving Code Efficiency : Replace String Replacement with Dart String Interpolation
- Migrating from GetX: Boosting Flutter App Development Efficiency — Part 1 : Architecture and Folder Structure
- Migrating from GetX: Boosting Flutter App Development Efficiency — Part 2 : Routing
- Migrating from GetX: Boosting Flutter App Development Efficiency — Part 3 : Dependency Injection
- Proof of Concept (POC) : Kenapa Tidak Disarankan untuk Share Unsigned APK untuk Penggunaan Publik?
PICO_SULTENG_FLUTTER PublicPICO SulTeng (*Pusat Informasi COVID-19 Sulawesi Tengah*/COVID-19 Information Center of Central Sulawesi) is an android-based application developed to facilitate the people of Central Sulawesi in o…
PICO_SULTENG_WEB PublicDashboard COVID-19 SulTeng is the web version of PICO SulTeng (Pusat Informasi COVID-19 Sulawesi Tengah/COVID-19 Information Center of Central Sulawesi).
- sistem_absensi_pegawai
sistem_absensi_pegawai PublicThis website contains API Backend and employee data management for SiAP application. This website is built with Laravel, Tailwind CSS, Vue JS, and Inertia JS. This website also has an attendance pa…
- sistem_absensi_pegawai_app
sistem_absensi_pegawai_app PublicMobile application for employee attendance data management in Balaesang District government offices. This application is built with Flutter.
- stadata_flutter_sdk
stadata_flutter_sdk PublicStreamline BPS Statistics API integration in Flutter. Easily fetch, analyze, and visualize data.
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