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⚛ Quantum Computing, for Humans.


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Quantum Computing, for Humans.

qbitkit is a set of high-level abstractions to make writing software for quantum computers easier.Gates are defined using a Pandas DataFrame that can be automatically translated to your platform of choice.Once you've translated a DataFrame to your platform of choice, for example AWS Braket or IBMQ, all you have to do is run it and check the results.All of this, in just 3 lines of code (not counting import statements, comments, whitespace lines, or printing results.)

📊 Example

Here we make a Bell State and submit it to the Rigetti Aspen-9 Superconducting Quantum Computer on AWS Braket.You can changeget_qpu_arn toget_sim_arn and clear the existing parameters if you want a simulator available 24/7, or switch outrigetti andAspen-9 withionq andionQdevice to use high Quantum Volume, extremely low gate error ion trapping quantum. Welcome to the future.

# Import relevant qbitkit Define your DataFrame as a circuit, then translate it to your platform of choice.circuit=c.Translate.df_circuit(df=f.get_frame(data={'gate': ['h','cnot'],'targetA': [0,0],'targetB': [None,1],}))# Run the circuit on the Rigetti Aspen-9 hosted on AWS Braketjob=p.Job.get_job(device=p.QuantumDevice.get_device(p.QuantumDevice.get_qpu_arn(# Pick the Aspen-9 Quantum Computer by Rigetti as our QPU (IonQ works too!)vendor='rigetti',device='Aspen-9')),circuit=circuit,s3loc=p.Connection.get_bucket(# Use the name of the bucket created at Braket onboarding.# You can always check your S3 Console to find this info.bucket='amazon-braket-YourID'),# Warning: Running this will cost a little under $4.shots=10000)# Show all of the resultsprint(job.result())

📚 Documentation

For the time being, documentation is hosted at:

🐍 📦 Python Version Compatibility

The following versions of Python are supported:

  • 🐍 Python 3.7
  • 🐍 Python 3.8
  • 🐍 Python 3.9

Support is continually tested upon every commit to branch 'origin' for each Python version listed above.

🐍 📦 ⬇️ Installingqbitkit

Anaconda3 (Windows/Mac/Linux)

  1. Download Anaconda3:
  • Clickthis link to download Anaconda3 from the official page for Anaconda Individual Edition
  1. After downloading and installing, openAnaconda Prompt and type:
  • conda create -n qbitkit (hit enter)
  • conda activate qbitkit (hit enter)
  • conda install -y pip (hit enter)
  1. If you are using Mac or Linux, skip this step. If you are using Windows, install Git for Windows:
  • Download Git for Windows from usingthis link
  • Open the installer, complete the installation.
  • Reminder: paths listed below, for examplevenv/bin/activate work for Mac and Linux, but on Windows you must change any/ to\ before running a commandunless that/ is in a URL, in which case leave it alone. Consider installing Debian alongside or in place of Windows if this bothers you.

Pip (coming soon)

  1. Make surepip is up-to-date, then install usingpip:
  • pip install -U pip
  • pip install -U qbitkit

Virtual Environment

  1. Locally cloneqbitkit,cd into the directory we just cloned it into:
  • git clone
  • cd qbitkit
  1. Updatepip, installvirtualenv, create a virtual environment, then activate it:
  • pip install -U pip
  • pip install -U virtualenv
  • Mac and Linux:. venv/bin/activate
  • Using Windows:. venv\bin\activate
  1. Install Dependencies:
  • pip install -Ur requirements.txt
  1. Build and Install
  • python build
  • python install


  1. Make sure you havepip andvirtualenv installed, for example on Debian-based systems you can useapt-get andpip as root:
  • sudo apt-get install -qq -y python3-pip && sudo -H pip3 install -U pip && sudo -H pip3 install -U virtualenv
  1. To make sure you're using the rightpip from the rightpython, you shouldrun this command before running subsequent commands:
  • alias 'pip=python3 -m pip'
  1. You may needgit if it isn't yet installed, for example on Debian-based systems:
  • sudo apt-get install -qq -y git

Installer Script (recommended)

  1. Change directory into qbitkit/bin
  • cd bin
  1. Run script
  • /bin/sh

Pip (coming soon)

  1. Make surepip is up-to-date, then installqbitkit:
  • with root, system install:sudo -H pip install -U qbitkit
  • without root, user install:pip install --user -U qbitkit

Python Virtual Environment

  1. Cloneqbitkit locally, thencd to the directory you just cloned:
  • git clone
  • cd qbitkit
  1. Create a virtual environment, then activate it:
  • virtualenv --python=python3 venv && . venv/bin/activate
  1. Install requirements, then to buildqbitkit then installqbitkit into the virtualenv:
  • pip install -r requirements.txt && python build && python install

🔣 Features ofqbitkit

  • With such a diverse range of quantum hardware and cloud services providing that hardware to end users, having to rewrite the same circuits 2-3 times is not uncommon. Withqbitkit, hardware and cloud providers are abstracted and made as simple to use as possible. Stop re-inventing the wheel, and start actually innovating with the ease of use and flexibility ofqbitkit.
  • Define your circuit using a Pandas DataFrame, translate it to your quantum provider of choice, and run it -- in just a few lines of code.
  • Running quantum circuits often requires costly hardware access and long wait times. It is therefore beneficial to keep track of your results so you don't have to re-run experiments to reproduce the results. For this reason, we included support forlogging to Elasticsearch, with support for other ways to log your data coming soon.
  • Check theIssues tab at the top of this repository's page to see features we're working on now and the status of implementing those features intoqbitkit

🔄 Project Lifecycle

  • Visibility:
    • 👀 Public
    • 📆 Released: January 1st, 2021
  • Status:
    • 📆 In active development since December 15th, 2020
    • ⏰ >=1 commit(s) made every week since the repository was created
  • Health:
    • ✅ Green (healthy)
    • 🚀 Preparing for v0.1.0 (stable)
    • 📝 Code examples and more documentation than just API doc needed (see issue #42)
    • 📋 More unit tests are needed

Copyright © 2021 qbitkit Team ⚛ All Rights Reserved

