Welcome to the Pulumiverse. This a place for the Pulumi community to interact and collaborate on Pulumi-basedlibraries, projects, and learning resources. The idea was initiated by aReddit comment.
Create anissue, introduce what you want to bring to thePulumiverse community – and off you go!You can reach us on the#pulumiverse
channel of thePulumi Community Slack.
There are many libraries or collections of components for Pulumi out there. Most of them are made based onrequirements of individual companies and developers. Pulumiverse aims to make a community where theselibraries can be created, where opinionated configurations for Pulumi resources can be stored and discussed.
We defined the way of working for this community in theArticles of Association.Every year, we re-elect a new governance board, but at all times, you can seewho these board members are.This document is kept up to date after every election.
- Thanks@annematilde for an awesomelogo and coolmascot.
- pulumi-vercel Public
pulumiverse/pulumi-vercel’s past year of commit activity