- A unix operating system built using c++ / c
- x86 kernel
- filesystem
- runtime support for: libc, libcpp, libobjc, libjs
- ui function: libui
- simple terminal and some apps
- contact ourdiscord
- or emails us:officialpranaos@gmail.com
- pranaOS is an open-source project you can contribute to it :)
- check out theCONTRIBUTING docs
- Thanks for those who contributed to this project :)
- pranaOSproject structure in a plain markdown text
- thanks for those whostared ⭐ this project
- special thanks for those who iscontributing to this project
- pranaOS-developer
pranaOS-developer Publicthis repo will make the pranaOS developers work easier
Python 1
Showing 10 of 15 repositories
- darwin-xnu Public Forked fromapple/darwin-xnu
The Darwin Kernel (mirror). This repository is a pure mirror and contributions are currently not accepted via pull-requests, please submit your contributions viahttps://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/
pranaOS/darwin-xnu’s past year of commit activity