AI | CloudNative | Blockchain | Security practitioner, Web3.0 researcher and builder, co-founder of@IceFireLabs
@IceFireDB @FlowShield @HiveMesh @IceGiant-Project @IceFireLabs IceFireLabs
Allan Okothallanokothdev
Fullstack Blockchain Developer -- Skilled in NextJS, ReactJS, React Native, Android, Rust, Solidity, JS -- Learning Nodejs, Golang & Hyperledger Framework
Hurupay Nairobi, Kenya
Mohammad AmirAgent009
Love DevOps, Performance, AI & Blockchain.
Connextar Technologies Ltd Bradford, UK
Benny HuamanBHuamanCallupe
Full Stack Developer | Typescript | JavaScript | React | Tailwind | Nodejs | MongoDB | Nextjs
Lima, Peru
Ezeoke GodswillWillDera
For the Love and Beauty of Technology.
@mydappr @x-nova Port-Harcourt, Rivers State
Frontend engineer with product design skills. Improving the ux of the web3 apps; React/JS · Next.js · #InternetComputer
Julius Paramonovv-work
The way I make things work:- First I find a logical way to achieve results. Then work till I bleed.
Eterio Palo Alto, CA
Gaukas Wanggaukas
I build network systems to circumvent censorship.
University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO