Ivan C. Christovichristov
Fluid Mechanics | Soft Matter | Granular Flow | Nonlinear Waves | Applied Mathematics
@purdueuniversity West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Arav KumarA-Ravioli
Making foundation models go brr for a really long time.
Whitebox San Fransisco, California
Harbin Engineering University/Materials and Chemical Engineering
Harbin Engineering University Shandong Province
Surafel Tarikudalyathan
FullStack Developer
Pine Labs, eTech, Ablaze Labs, twoMatches, Cnet Software Technologies
ex-IBMerCHD/SIT/PhD @ U of AlabamaOpen Source GeoAI AI for Mobility EnthusiastComputational Social Scientist ABM RL
University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL
Shibu MeherShibu778
Ph.D. Student, Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Piyush Pradhanpiyush-ppradhan
PhD. Candidate@columbia Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering
Columbia University
Renan Francisco Santos Souzarenan-souza
Data Science and Data Engineering Researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
Calvin Wetzelczhurdlespeed
UTK Student-AthleteB.S. Mechanical Engineering '23UT Vol Men's Track
Student Knoxville, TN
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC
Matt LaneLaneMatthewJ
PhD Student working@ORNLI'm a human and I enjoy computers, plants, bugs (the arthropods), math, food.... Other stuff too, probably.
@ORNL Knoxville