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Manage flaky unit tests with the unit testing framework you already use.
- Checkbox to instantly disable any unhealthy unit test across all branches
- GitHub flaky test warnings on pull requests
- Slack alerting to team channel who's test are flapping
- Metrics and charting to aid you in fixing the biggest disruptions first
- CI/CD (CircleCI, TravisCI, Jenkins, etc.)
Flaptastic is designed for organizations with many codebases and teams.
Smart flaky test detection
Flaptastic's pattern matching can instantly identify a flaky test helping your engineers to avoid wasting valuable time trying to triage code that they didn't break.
When a flaky test is encountered, your engineers caninstantly disable it across all branches instantly through Flaptastic's interface. This killer feature reduces the mean time to recovery to just seconds when a test goes unhealthy without merit.
Fix most disruptive tests first
Metrics dashboards depict which flaky tests cause the most disruptions allowing your on-call engineer to fix the biggest disruptions first.
Massive cost savings
On a team of 200 engineers, just 1 hour per week wasted from unreliable test and deploy pipelines totals to a yearly loss of $600,000 for a company.
Free support
Flaptastic is built by developers, for developers. We'll help you set up and get the most out of Flaptastic for your team.
Plans and pricing
- 1 codebase
- 90 day data retention
- Support with setup and configuration
Flaptastic is provided by a third-party and is governed by separateprivacy policy andsupport documentation