Your friendly Slack assistant. Written in very neat Perl!
Everything said so far has been a lie. The bot isn't even a doctor, despite preferring to be called Dr. Octobotapus.
Requires the following CPAN modules:
- Slack::RTM::Bot
- String::Random
- Time::Piece
Edit the "consts and strings" section at the top
to configure the DOCBOT.
$CHAN: The slack channel DOCBOT will join.
$LOGFILE: Where the bot will log write a log of its conversations.
$BOTNAME: How the bot identifies itself.
$STRIP: Regex of characters to exclude in log files (avoid Perl injections)
$SLKTOK: Very important! Your slack API token should be set here.
@RESPONSES: Set the responses in the following format: RESPONSE, REPLY inside a Perl list. (TODO: make this a hash)