We've verified that the organizationlogto-io controls the domain:
- logto.io
This is the official organization of Logto1.
Every app needs authentication and authorization. Logto is an open-source Auth0 alternative designed for modern apps and SaaS products. Born as open-source, Logto is crafted to offer a developer-friendly experience for building a secure and scalable identity system.
- If you are new to Logto, visit our 🎨website for a brief introduction.
- A step-by-step guide is available on 📖docs.logto.io.
- 🧑🚀logto-io/logto is the main monorepo for Logto OSS, admin console, sign-in experience, etc.
- We have a 📍public roadmap available, feel free to engage with it. You can also 💬join our Discord server to let us know your thoughts.
Logto Cloud is the official managed service of Logto.
Built on top of the Logto OSS, Logto Cloud offers a fully managed, scalable, and secure cloud service for your authentication and authorization needs. It offers:
- Free tier: Start for free with 50,000 monthly active users; our Pro plan offerspay-as-you-go pricing.
- Scalability: Scale to millions of users without worrying about performance.
- Security: Secure by default with the industry best practices.
- Zero maintenance: The Logto team takes care of the infrastructure.
- No vendor lock-in: You can always switch back to the OSS version.
- Visit our 📝blog to see our news, practical posts, and resources.
- Subscribe to our newsletter to receive up-to-date information about the Logto Cloud as well as in-time feature updates.
Designed by Silverhand Inc.↩
- logto Public
🧑🚀 An identity and access management (IAM) infrastructure with authentication, authorization, MFA, SSO, user management, and multi-tenancy features. Supports OAuth 2.0, OIDC, and SAML. No framework restrictions.
logto-io/logto’s past year of commit activity - rbac-sample Public
logto-io/rbac-sample’s past year of commit activity