- Brooklyn, NY
- www.kylekukshtel.com
senior unity/c# enginner with speciality in game engines, tools, and data pipelines
full resume here
full project list here
lead maintainer of 2d C# game engine zinc:
zinc engine repo
framework home with other support repos
lead game systems engineer at possibility space
lead developer and creative director on large scale tactical strategy gamecantata
integration engineer for volumetric video capture software depthkit
created viral moodboard sitemood.site
created game data editordepot
created narrative scripting languagesquiggle
reach me:
some recent blog posts:
Committing C# Crimes to Provide Better ECS APIs
Building a Web Framework with C# records, Tailwind and HTMX (and no JS)
Handing Collisions the ECS Way
So You Wanna Package Some Native Libs Into A NuGet Package
Low-Level Interop and Memory Management in C# for Allocation-free P/Invoke Code
- zinc-framework/Zinc
zinc-framework/Zinc Publicsimple, modern, code-only c# game framework/engine
- afterschoolstudio/Depot
afterschoolstudio/Depot PublicStructured data editor built inside VS Code
- afterschoolstudio/squiggle
afterschoolstudio/squiggle Publicsimple game scripting language + runtime parser
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