Hi! my name is João Lenon and I have been solving problems for six years.My love for programming is in writing artistic codes, easy to understand andwith replaceable layers!
I'm the creator ofAthenna Framework,the plug & play Node.js framework that focuses on giving a very reliable foundationfor the developer to build many types of different applications, perfect for workingwith microservices architecture. Expect an enjoyable, beautiful, peaceful and productiveexperience working with Athenna.Check out the documentation! 📚
I'm also a contributor to the Node.js project and member of the Node.js ESM loaders team.
- loki-fluentd-grafana
loki-fluentd-grafana Public🔎 Monitoring Kubernetes cluster using LFG stack
JavaScript 1
- malaria_model
malaria_model Public🤖 Model that predicts if an image of a cell is parasitized with virus of Malaria.
- frozenlake_gym_env
frozenlake_gym_env Public🧊 Gym environment solving the FrozenLake problem using Q-Learning.
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