PLH is a tribute to Portsaid Light House, Port Said Lighthouse was the first building in the world created with reinforced concrete. 🌊
PLHKit is a Swift DSL for Rendering and creating PDF Files. PLHKit aims to provide Friendly APIs like what you are already familiar with in SwiftUI.
and it’s currentlyExperimental
You can create beautiful pages by using syntax similar to what’s used in SwiftUI
VStack{Text("Hello World ! 🌊")}

This project is still under development, it’s working but we still have a lot of things to be done..also, i'm still discoverting the world of DSLs and layout algrothims, your contributations and notes are highly apperciated and welcomed.
The simplest PDFFile is created from a single PDFPage, and you can preview a PDFFile using PLHViewer, so you can have Live Editing !
letpage1=PDFPage{VStack{Text("Contents").foregroundColor(UIColor.defaultGray3).font(.init(name:"Zapfino", size:50)).fontSize(45).padding(.leading,-20)Spacer()}}letpdfFile=PDFFile.init(pages: page1)letpdfData= pdfFile.body //<- Accessing PDF Body will trigger drawing ActionsstructMyAmazingPDF:View{varbody:someView{PLHViewer{letpage1=PDFPage{VStack(alignment:.leading, spacing:2){Text("Portsaid City").font(UIFont.defaultHeavy()).fontSize(60).foregroundColor(.redTitleColor)Text("DATA SHEET 2022").font(UIFont.defaultMedium()).fontSize(20).foregroundColor(.blackTitleColor)}}returnPDFFile(pages: page1 /*, pag2, page3 */)}}}
Currently the Package is available using Swift Package Manger, and it supposed to work with iOS 12+, but live previewing is supported from iOS 13+, because it depends on SwiftUI.
we are still discovering bugs and limitations, here’s what’s known
- Frame Alignment is limited to center, and leading.
- Drawing takes a little bit of time (we need to cache the geometries calculations?)
- Compiling is slow IMO (still investigating, likely because of numerical literals conversions ?)
- Image Resizing is needed, currently you need to have the image resized before placing it.
- Modifiers don’t go to upper nodes tree.
- Previews are buggy (I think this’s because of the other bugs, and Xcode =) )
- Excessive usage of padding/ VStack inside HStack ; are used because of the absence of Frame alignments.
Current features in PLHKit are limited and we are working on implementing more
- Mockingbird Developers.
- Portsaid City And my friends. 🌊