C, Python, Program Analysis, GCC/GIMPLE-IR, PHP Internals, Security Research
- 0x41414141, Accra
- @finixbit
I'm Samuel, a Senior Software Engineer and Security Researcher with several years of experience in Ghana.
- Data Engineering, (worked onasync-graph-data-flow)
- Data Integrations (worked on ETL frameworks and Data Pipelines atCivis Analytics)
- Security Research, Program Analysis, Compiler toolings
- Debuggers Internals (worked onprint-function-args-debugger,ftrace)
- C/C++, Python, CPython Extensions (worked on A CPython extension to convert PHP OpArray bytecode to Python Object)
- GCC (specifically withGimple IR)
- PHP Internals (specifically Zend Bytecode)
- Ghidra, P-Code, Ghidra Python API
- Simplifying Thought Representations
- Words serve as a wrapper for thoughts. Consider the phrase
'Red car'
, instantly your mind constructs an image of a red car within your mental space. This mental imagery occurs even if there isn't a physical red car in your immediate surroundings. - Thoughts essentially manifest as mental images of words, shaped by your perspective or understanding. The ability to simplify thoughts in any field enhances your understanding and strengthens your imagination in that area.
- If you'd like to delve deeper into this topic, feel free to connect with me below.
- Words serve as a wrapper for thoughts. Consider the phrase