Fatiando a Terra
Open-source Python tools for geophysics
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- www.fatiando.org
Fatiando providesPython libraries for data processing, modeling, and inversion across theGeosciences.Our software is built by acommunity of geoscientists and software developerswith a passion for well-designed tools and helping our peers.All of our code isfree and open-source, distributed under the permissiveBSD 3-clause license.
General purpose:
- Pooch: A friend to fetch your data files.
Geospatial data (including geophysical/geodetic data):
- Verde: Spatial data processing and interpolation with a sprinkling of machine learning.
- Harmonica: Forward modeling, inversion, and processing gravity and magnetic data.
- Boule: Reference ellipsoids and normal gravity for geodesy and geophysics.
- Ensaio: Practice datasets to probe your code.
- Choclo: High-performance kernel functions for geophysical forward modeling.
For developers:
- Dependente: Inspect Python package dependencies (used in our CI workflows).
- Burocrata: Check and insert copyright and license notices into source code.
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