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An Emacs major mode for interacting with Elasticsearch
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Provides a major mode for editing ES query examples. Better highlighting andindention than sh-mode or js-mode.
It is intended to be a mixture of the three modes as well as mimicing some ofthe highlighting from Kibana's Dev Tools Console.
You can also think of it asKibana's Console-envyfor Emacs users.
is available in the MELPA repository. Do this, if MELPA isn't already inyour sources:
(require'package)(add-to-list'package-archives '("MELPA"."https://melpa.org/packages/" ))
Then runM-x package-refresh-contents
to load the contents of the newrepository, andM-x package-install RET es-mode RET
to installes-mode
(add-to-list'load-path"/path/to/es-mode-dir")(autoload'es-mode"es-mode.el""Major mode for editing Elasticsearch queries"t)(add-to-list'auto-mode-alist '("\\.es$". es-mode))
You can now open a file with an.es
extension andes-mode
willautomatically load..
Key | Action | Description |
C-c C-c | es-execute-request-dwim | Execute the request you're currently on |
C-c C-p | es-goto-previous-request | Go to the previous request |
C-c C-n | es-goto-next-request | Go to the next request |
C-c M-w | es-copy-as | Copy the request as acurl request |
C-c C-u | es-set-endpoint-url | Set the ES endpoint requests will be executed against |
C-c RET | es-set-request-method | Set the rest method type (only for non-prefixed requests) |
C-c s | (requiresyasnippet ) | Insert a snippet for searching |
C-c i | (requiresyasnippet ) | Insert a snippet for new index creation |
- Highlighting for builtin queries, facets, aggregations, special paramaters
- Acompany-mode backend for completing ESqueries
- Better indenting than sh-mode (indents like js-mode)
- Sending the queries as a http-request to Elasticsearch endpoints.
- Navigate via goto-(next|previous)-request with
C-c C-n
andC-c C-p
(whenusing parameters) - An Elasticsearch Command Center mode for monitoring clusters
- Hooks for responses, see
- Support for "es" mode blocks in org-mode
- Pass the resulting JSON throughjq to returnonly the values you want in org-mode
- Displays warning headers from Elasticsearch in the results buffers fordeprecated features
- Yasnippet support with built-insnippets for common operations
- Ability to copy a request as acurl request, or othertype of request (customizing
) - Support for kibana-like triple quoting (
) for request bodies
If you would like to enabledhs-minor-mode
automatically on ES resultsbuffers, use the following:
You can specify requests with two different formats:
In the document, specify parameters similar to Console, like so:
POST /myindex/_search?pretty{"query": {"match_all": {} }}
HittingC-c C-c
anywhere on the parameter or body of the request will executethe request, opening a response buffer. The base-url can be configured bycustomizing thees-default-url
You also don't have to provide the leading "/", similar to Console (I personallythink the leading "/" looks better though), like this:
POST myindex/_search?pretty{"query": {"match_all": {} }}
If you do not want to specify?pretty
every time, you can customize thees-always-pretty-print
var (defaults tonil
Without any parameters, you can specify a request:
{"query": {"match_all": {} }}
With the request region highlighted or inside the query structure, hitC-c C-c
to execute it. The first time you do this you will be prompted for the URL andHTTP method. You can also set the URL withC-c C-u
and the method withC-c C-m
This is deprecated in favor of the console-like syntax, as it increasescomplexity for maintaining es-mode.
If your ES endpoint has TLS enabled with self signed certificates (this is insecure!) you'll need to makecurl
ignore those. There are two ways:
- Specify
in the Emacs variablerequest-curl-options
. - Create a
(seethe curl man page).
, andall.org
, here's a screenshot from my theme:
And here's an example of the completion of queries/filters:
One of the main reasons I started this was better highlighting and indention fororg-babel. So add the snippet below to your .emacs:
(org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((elasticsearch . t)))
And then you will be able to hitC-c C-c
on code like this in your org-modefile:
#+BEGIN_SRC esPOST /_search?pretty{ "query": { "match_all": {} }}#+END_SRC
OR (without parameters):
#+BEGIN_SRC es :method POST :url localhost:9200/_search?pretty{ "query": { "match_all": {} }}#+END_SRC
org-mode uses the arguments:url
to know where and howto send a query. If they are not present org-mode will usees-default-url
Tangling these blocks will produce<filename>.es
, if you specify the filenamewith:tangle foo.sh
, es-mode will instead create a curl request for the bodyof the request.
Es-mode supports rudimentary table creation from aggregations using the:tablify
header parameter. For example, consider the following aggregations:
#+BEGIN_SRC es :tablify prices :results raw tablePOST /test/doc/_search{ "aggs" : { "prices" : { "histogram" : { "field" : "price", "interval" : 20, "min_doc_count": 0 } } }, "size": 0}#+END_SRC#+RESULTS:| key | document count ||-----+----------------|| 0 | 4 || 20 | 0 || 40 | 1 || 60 | 2 || 80 | 2 || 100 | 1 || 120 | 0 || 140 | 0 || 160 | 2 |
Note that the "tablify" argument must be the name of the aggregation to betablified, in this example, "prices" is the name of the argument.
This also works forterms
#+BEGIN_SRC es :tablify my_terms_agg :results raw tablePOST /test/doc/_search{ "aggs" : { "my_terms_agg" : { "terms" : { "field" : "type" } } }, "size": 0}#+END_SRC#+RESULTS:| key | document count ||----------+----------------|| eggplant | 5 || foo | 4 || widget | 2 || cog | 1 |
If you are using org-mode 8.3.1 or later, you can generate pretty ASCII graphsfrom org-mode usingorgtbl-ascii-plotlike so (hitC-c C-c
on theTBLFM
line to generate the graph):
#+RESULTS:| key | document count | ||-----+----------------+------------|| 0 | 4 | WWWWWWWWWl || 20 | 0 | || 40 | 1 | WWc || 60 | 2 | WWWWV || 80 | 2 | WWWWV || 100 | 1 | WWc || 120 | 0 | || 140 | 0 | || 160 | 2 | WWWWV |#+TBLFM: $3='(orgtbl-ascii-draw $2 0 5)Or:#+RESULTS:| key | document count | ||----------+----------------+--------------|| eggplant | 5 | WWWWWWWWWWWW || foo | 4 | WWWWWWWWWl || widget | 2 | WWWWV || cog | 1 | WWc |#+TBLFM: $3='(orgtbl-ascii-draw $2 0 5)
Be sure to pass the correct minimum and maximum values for the table (in thisexample, 0 and 5) to theorgtbl-ascii-draw
Passing JSON throughjq
In org-mode you can also reduce the size of results by passing them through thejq command-line tool. For example, compare the output of these two different orgblocks:
#+BEGIN_SRC esGET /{}#+END_SRC#+RESULTS:#+begin_example{ "status" : 200, "name" : "Everyman", "version" : { "number" : "1.3.2", "build_hash" : "dee175dbe2f254f3f26992f5d7591939aaefd12f", "build_timestamp" : "2014-08-13T14:29:30Z", "build_snapshot" : false, "lucene_version" : "4.9" }, "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"}#+end_example
And the same thing, but passed through thejq
tool, extracting the "name" and"version.number" fields:
#+BEGIN_SRC es :jq .name, .version.numberGET /{}#+END_SRC#+RESULTS:: "Everyman": "1.3.2"
You can use this to return only a certain hit, or the score of a hit, etc,easily, so you can format the output as desired. See thefull jq manual for how to use jq.
es-mode usesjq
in thePATH
, however, if you want to specify an absolutepath you can customize thees-jq-path
var as you like.
jq will only be run if the response is an HTTP 20[0-9].
includes support for variable substitution in org-babelsource blocks. The variable references in the body should be in theform${var-name}
#+BEGIN_SRC es :var index="theindex"POST /${index}/_search?pretty{ "query": { "match_all": {} }}#+END_SRC
Vars can also be used to use the results from other org-babel blocks.
In the example below, the first source block searches the indexchild-docs
for documents from the past month andjq
is used toselect theparent-ids
from the hits that are returned.
The second source block takes theparent-ids
and binds it to thevariableids
in the header of the source block (:var ids=parent-ids
). When the code is run${ids}
is replaced with theJSON array prior to executing the search request against theparent-docs
#+NAME: parent-ids#+BEGIN_SRC es :jq "[.hits.hits[]._source.\"parent-id\"]" GET /child-docs/_search?pretty { "query": { {"range": {"time": {"gte": "now-1M/d"}}} }, "_source": "parent-id" }#+END_SRC#+RESULTS: parent-ids#+begin_example[ "id1", "id2", "id3"]#+end_example#+BEGIN_SRC es :var ids=parent-ids GET /parent-docs/_search?pretty { "query": { {"ids": {"values": ${ids}}} } }#+END_SRC#+RESULTS:#+begin_example{ "took" : 227, "timed_out" : false, "_shards" : { "total" : 4, "successful" : 4, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "total" : 3, "max_score" : 5.3673162, "hits" : [ { "_index" : "parent-docs", "_type" : "t", "_id" : "id1", "_score" : 5.3673162, "_source" : { ... } }, { "_index" : "parent-docs", "_type" : "t", "_id" : "id2", "_score" : 5.3673162, "_source" : { ... } }, { "_index" : "parent-docs", "_type" : "t", "_id" : "id3", "_score" : 5.3673162, "_source" : { ... } } ] }}#+end_example
includes a mode called the "Elasticsearch Command Center", which ismeant for monitoring your cluster. This provides a graphical representation ofwhat's happening in the cluster.
To invoke it, simply doM-x es-command-center
. ES-CC will automaticallyrefresh ates-cc-refresh-interval
seconds, check outM-x customize-group es-cc
to see all of the customization options.
Here's a screenshot of what it looks like:
This is my first major mode for Emacs, feedback is welcome, especially pullrequests that show me what I'm doing wrong.
An Emacs major mode for interacting with Elasticsearch