- Sacramento, California
- 18:45
(UTC -07:00) - https://crutchcorn.dev
- @crutchcorn
- @crutchcorn.dev
- in/corbincrutchley
- crutchcorn
Hi there! I'm Corbin: A Staff Frontend Developer,GitHub Star,Microsoft MVP developer, and teacher. This is my profile page to outline some of the things I'm working on today.
I've created a wide array of forms of content. I'm passionate about communication between developers and want to do my best to enhance the learning experience that other developers experience.
I've written 300K+ words on a wide range of programming topics. Among them are:
- 100+ articles for the blog, Playful Programming
- What is Aggregation in MongoDB?
- Add SMS Verification to React Native App Using Node.js and Express
- Integrating Shoelace with NextJS
- Astro'sNext.js andNuxt.js migration guides
- Various pages for Replay.io's docs and structure
- Much of Clerk's docs
- HERE Map's old React Tutorial
I'm also writing a book trilogy called "The Framework Field Guide", which teaches React, Angular, and Vue all at once! The first book is available now.
Click on the image below to learn more:
On top of asmall foray into TikTok,I'm a Twitch affiliate with over 2,000 followers.
I do my best to engage with the community as much as possible, and have continued to hostcharity Livestream events, where we've even previously garnered $3k for charity!
I also host aDiscord community for others on Twitch to be able to talk to me and do pair-progamming in office hours in order to help solve some of their problems.
I've spoken at various conferences about a wide range of programming topics. Among them include:
- "React 19 for the Rest of Us" at React Rally 2024
- "Learn Angular Signals By Writing Your Own" at ngConf 2024
- "How Does Git Work Under The Hood" at GitKon
- "Using ColdFusion APIs in Expo Mobile Apps" at Adobe ColdFusion Developer Week 2021
I've also spoken at more than a dozen smaller meetups. Some of the earliest meetups I'd done were:
- "Smooth Sailing with Angular" at SacJS
- "Reeling You In On React Hooks" at SacJS
- "Using Slack API for App Integrations" at Slack Sacramento Meetup
- "Angular Templates — From Start to Source" at GDG Sacramento
- "Blogging with Gatsby: An Introduction to Gatsby"
I've done a bit of podcasting to talk about web development:
- ConTejas Podcast: How UI frameworks work in detail, thriving with mental health
- Corbin Crutchley talks about working with teams and his career in general | Software is a Team Sport
- CodingCat Podcast: WebDev Fundamentals | React, Angular, and Vue
- Syntax.fm EP752: React vs Vue vs Angular with Corbin Crutchley
- The Angular Plus Show S3 E7: Your Frameworks Field Guide with Corbin Crutchley
- devtools.fm EP65: Framework Field Guide (learn React, Angular, Vue at the same time)
- Web Rush EP215: How I Doubled by Lighthouse Performance with Astro.js with Corbin Crutchley
- Web Rush EP201: Web Framework Field Guide with Corbin Crutchley
- Compressed.fm EP80: Learning Frontend Frameworks Better with Corbin Crutchley
- 20minJS EP25: Learning UI frameworks with Corbin Crutchley
- TPDP E37: Writing Tests in a Development Project
- TPDP E32: Getting Familiar with TypeScript for Development
- TPDP EP29: Asynchronous JavaScript Development
I'd love to be inyour podcast! Pleasereach out to me on Twitter if you think I'd be a good guest on your show!
On top of contributing to tons of open-source projects, I also help maintain:
- playfulprogramming/playfulprogramming
playfulprogramming/playfulprogramming Public🦄 Practice programming with magically majestic methods
- jimp-dev/jimp
jimp-dev/jimp PublicAn image processing library written entirely in JavaScript for Node, with zero external or native dependencies.
- TanStack/form
TanStack/form Public🤖 Headless, performant, and type-safe form state management for TS/JS, React, Vue, Angular, Solid, and Lit.
- Vibrant-Colors/node-vibrant
Vibrant-Colors/node-vibrant Public🎨 Extract prominent colors from an image
- cli-testing-library
cli-testing-library Public🐨 Simple and complete CLI testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.
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