- USB-Disk-Ejector
USB-Disk-Ejector PublicA program that allows you to quickly remove drives in Windows. It can eject USB disks, Firewire disks and memory cards. It is a quick, flexible, portable alternative to using Windows' "Safely Remov…
- DoubleFine-Explorer
DoubleFine-Explorer PublicAn explorer/viewer/dumper tool for games by Double Fine. It supports games that use the Moai, Buddha and Remonkeyed engines. That's all the games released since Psychonauts.
- Telltale-Music-Extractor
Telltale-Music-Extractor PublicA program that enables you to rip the music from the games developed by Telltale Games. This includes games produced by others using the Telltale engine such as Skunkape Games’ Sam & Max Save the W…
- Dinky-Explorer
Dinky-Explorer PublicAn explorer/viewer/dumper tool for games using the Dinky engine. That's Return to Monkey Island, Thimbleweed Park and Delores.
- Grim-Fandango-Setup-and-Launcher
Grim-Fandango-Setup-and-Launcher PublicThere are two parts to this project; an installer and a launcher program. A replacement installer (setup program) for Grim Fandango. The installer that comes with the game can be problematic with n…
- Monkey-Island-Explorer
Monkey-Island-Explorer PublicAn explorer/viewer/dumper tool for Monkey Island 1 Special Edition and Monkey Island 2 Special Edition.
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