FlowFSM is a package for building and managing finite state machines (FSMs). It provides tools for defining states, transitions, events, and workflows, simplifying the development of complex state-driven applications. The framework will be supporting features for configuration, runtime management, and visualization as and when they are developed.

- Flexible State Definition: Define states and transitions with ease using a clear and intuitive interface.
- Event-Driven Transitions: Trigger state transitions based on custom events.
- Workflow Management: Manage complex workflows involving multiple states and transitions.
- Configuration System: Load configurations from various sources, enabling customization.
- Runtime Execution: Execute workflows and handle events efficiently.
- Extensible Hooks and Listeners: Extend functionality with custom hooks and listeners.
- Visualization Support: Visualize workflows (future functionality, likely).
- Robust Error Handling: Includes a comprehensive error handling system.
A simple example showcasing 2 basic workflows can be found in theexamples/
from ..flowfsm.config.parserimportparse_fsm_configfrom ..flowfsm.config.loaderimportload_fsm_from_configfrom ..flowfsm.runtime.executorimportExecutor# Load FSM configurationconfig=parse_fsm_config("./config_example.yml")# Create FSMworkflow=load_fsm_from_config(config)# Execute FSMexecutor=Executor(workflow)executor.run()