Hi there, I'mAbhishek! 👋

Hi, I'm Abhishek Kumar, a FullStack developer who is highly driven and well-versed in RESTful architecture and Frontend development. I built highly scalable web apps that scaled to many users and drive the product vision.
- 🌱 I’m currently working on Reactjs and implementing them into mini projects.
- 💬 Ask me about anythinghere
- ⚡ Fun fact: The computer virus wasn't designed to be harmful
Languages and Tools:
- Slack-Clone
Slack-Clone PublicSlack Clone using REACT.js and Firestore for storing messages and Firebase Authentication for users Authentication using Google.
- Food_Ordering_App
Food_Ordering_App PublicUsing Firebase, It's a Real-Time food delivery App where user can order food from different restaurants menu
- Flutter-login-using-mysql-php
Flutter-login-using-mysql-php PublicA simple flutter login using php and mysql running on localhost
- nodejs-twitter-bot
nodejs-twitter-bot PublicTwitter bot which can tweet,reply,follow,get information of tweets on behalf of you.
- Smile-Detection-App
Smile-Detection-App PublicA Realtime Smile Detection Application built using OpenCV in Python detects a smile on the face.
Python 2
- recipe-app-react
recipe-app-react PublicA simple recipe app that tells the number of calories in the food along with how anyone can prepare it. The App is responsive, with a beautiful preloader screen.
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