I am Nikan Doosti
'Nikan' means genuine and good and it's Persian originated name, and 'Doosti' literally means friendship!
I am a master's graduate of Computer Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) one of the most prestigious universities in Iran.
In my work, I utilize Artificial Intelligence to provide data-driven decision making for different services. Previously, I did a research internship atMax Planck Institute for Informatics atAIDAM group in Germany 🇩🇪, working on applications of machine learning in fabrication. Prior to that, I was mainly focused on classic computer vision, specifically digital image processing.
- 🧐 I'm interested in machine learning, deep learning, physical simulation, and I always love to work on interdisciplinary topics such as intersection of AI and Science/Engineering.
- 👯 I'm looking to collaborate on PyTorch framework. Meet me on official PyTorch forum:PyTorch Discuss
- 💓 I'd love to play games, particularly video games. I mostly play Dota 2 and CnC Generals ZH. I am noob in execution (slow body, eyes, FPS, and refresh rate :D), but I plan well!
- 💬 Ask me about anything, but I don't know how much I don't know. However, I know a bit about AI and Computer Graphics/Vision.
- 📫 How to reach me: My email
nikan [dot] doosti [at] outlook [dot] com
(more details on the bottom of home page of my website) - ⭐ Giving stars is a small gesture, but it means a lot! So give stars to cool projects.
I follow Github timeline almost everyday (Works as a social media for me :D).
- Optimized-MDVRP
Optimized-MDVRP Public"Using Genetic Algorithms for Multi-depot Vehicle Routing" paper implementation.
- rasht-school-of-ai/Meetup-Materials
rasht-school-of-ai/Meetup-Materials PublicYou can find the content of each meet up here.
- Deep-Halftoning
Deep-Halftoning Public"Deep Context-Aware Descreening and Rescreening of Halftone Images" incremental modification
- Computational-Intelligence-Fall18/Computational-Intelligence-Tutorials
Computational-Intelligence-Fall18/Computational-Intelligence-Tutorials PublicThis is the repository of codes written in class.
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