command run is a simple command runner
a file with the name of CRUN must be located in the dir you ran the command in
then runcrun command-name
any args you supply after the command name will be given to the orignal command
flags=-release-O-std=C++20files= main.cpp something_else.cpp"spaced filename.cpp"print:// @args will be the runtime arguments echo crun args@args build:// the '?' operator will call a function if the process does not return 0 gcc@flags@files? $error=> could not build project $print=> build has been completed// will loop until the script has an errorpy-script: $loop python"some"? $end_loop $print=> script has completed// default will be called if no command name is provideddefault: $display_commands
new lines are used for termination
and quotes are used for escaping and grouping symbols
it treats emulates the command line envoiroment as well it can
prints the input
will print the input and exit the command
will make the command loop
ends the loop
will display existing commands