A beautiful Clock Widget for your Desktop! (tested on Windows)
This is a clock widget that I programmed in the first year of Computer Science degree.It's been coded with java and fully customizable without changing the source code!
To open the app, simply double-click "ClockWidget.jar" file.
To exit or change settings, just right-click on the icon which is located in the system tray and click "Open Settings".You can even save multiple themes and reuse them easily!If a setting broke the clock, delete the "settings.tuna" file which is located in the main folder. This will revert the app to it's original state.
You can view the source code by opening ClockWidget.java file and even make some changes on it!
If you have a font that you want to use, copy the ".ttf" file to the "Fonts" folder. (TTF files supported only. If you have an OTF file you can convert it to TTF using online converters)Then you can move between fonts using the app settings.If you can't see your newly added font, close and reopen the settings panel.