Grid Protection Alliance (GPA)
We've verified that the organizationGridProtectionAlliance controls the domains:
Founded in 2010, theGrid Protection Alliance's first open source products were designed to supportreal-time synchrophasor data systems. In 2013 GPA expanded its open source products to solve other utility information management problems including products to manage and present data fromDigital Fault Recorders (DFRs) and Power Quality Meters, and aninformation historian that can be used to solve a broader range of utility information issues.
This GitHub organizational site hosts all of GPA's main open source products.
- SystemCenter Public
Manager tool for managing configuration and metadata for OpenXDA, PQDashboard, OpenMIC, any future disturbance product, and other external processes (ie: Maximo, PQView, etc ).
GridProtectionAlliance/SystemCenter’s past year of commit activity - projectalpha Public template
Visual Studio solution that provides a jump start to developing new products from the Grid Solutions Framework - Time-Series Library.
GridProtectionAlliance/projectalpha’s past year of commit activity