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- cloudflare-dockerhubhub
cloudflare-dockerhubhub Public - Fast-DDS
Fast-DDS PublicForked fromeProsima/Fast-DDS
The most complete DDS - Proven: Plenty of success cases. Looking for commercial support? Contact info@eprosima.com
C++ 1
- memory
memory PublicForked fromfoonathan/memory
STL compatible C++ memory allocator library using a new RawAllocator concept that is similar to an Allocator but easier to use and write.
- Fast-CDR
Fast-CDR PublicForked fromeProsima/Fast-CDR
eProsima FastCDR library provides two serialization mechanisms. One is the standard CDR serialization mechanism, while the other is a faster implementation of it. Looking for commercial support? Co…
- coc-convert
coc-convert Public - DockerFamily
DockerFamily PublicDockerfile
- memory Public Forked fromfoonathan/memory
STL compatible C++ memory allocator library using a new RawAllocator concept that is similar to an Allocator but easier to use and write.
CodePeasant3/memory’s past year of commit activity - DockerFamily Public
CodePeasant3/DockerFamily’s past year of commit activity - Fast-DDS-python Public Forked fromeProsima/Fast-DDS-python
Python bindings for Fast DDS. Looking for commercial support? Contact info@eprosima.com
CodePeasant3/Fast-DDS-python’s past year of commit activity - cloudflare-dockerhubhub Public
CodePeasant3/cloudflare-dockerhubhub’s past year of commit activity - Fast-CDR Public Forked fromeProsima/Fast-CDR
eProsima FastCDR library provides two serialization mechanisms. One is the standard CDR serialization mechanism, while the other is a faster implementation of it. Looking for commercial support? Contact info@eprosima.com
CodePeasant3/Fast-CDR’s past year of commit activity - coc-convert Public
CodePeasant3/coc-convert’s past year of commit activity