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Oita - KindergartenSearch

Oita - Air conditioning (cooling) equipment status for public kindergarten[2022/09/01 ]

Installation rate (Classroom)

Installation rate (Rooms other than classroom)


Installation rate (Classroom)

Installation rate (Rooms other than classroom)


32 Rank


40 Rank


1 Rank


Research of air conditioning (cooling) equipment status in public school' research by MEXT

Oitaの公立幼稚園におけるトイレ設置状況[2023/09/01 ]





27 Rank


20 Rank



Oita - Rate of seismic retrofit of buildings for kindergarten [2023/04/01 ]

Rate of seismic retrofit of buildings

Oita - Rate of seismic retrofit of buildings for kindergarten

1 Rank


Research for the results of seismic retrofit of public school facilities”

Oita - subscription status of insurance against loss [2015year]

Fire insurance

21,239 Yen

Oita Average

19,235 Yen

National average


National average

Oita average


19,235 Yen

15 Rank

21,239 Yen

Insurance money

13,734,548 Yen

34 Rank

10,865,068 Yen

Paid insurance money

596,595 Yen

34 Rank

468,839 Yen

  • * Fire insurance is posted by calculating in new agreement (target is only the housing and 1-year contract) of research year.
  • * Premium and insurance money are the total price of new agreement on research year, that is divided by the number of insurance policy.
  • * Premium isn't adjusted about change and cancel.
  • * Paid insurance money is the total insurance money paid on research year, that is divided by the number of accidents(insurance policy units).

* Based on the statistics by General insurance rating organization of Japan(2015 year).
Earthquake insurance

20,857 Yen

Oita Average

25,836 Yen

National average

Insurance incidental rate

Household subscription rate


National average

Oita average


25,836 Yen

18 Rank

20,857 Yen

Insurance money

8,370,897 Yen

9 Rank

8,962,446 Yen

Insurance incidental rate

60.2 %

19 Rank

62.9 %

Household subscription rate

29.5 %

32 Rank

23.1 %

  • * Earthquake insurance is posted by calculating in new agreement of research year.
  • * Premium and insurance money are the total price of new agreement on research year, that is divided by the number of insurance policy.
  • * Premium isn't adjusted about change and cancel.
  • * Insurance incidental rate is a rate of adding earthquake insurance, per fire insurance(housing) of new agreement on research year.
  • * Household subscription rate is the number of earthquake insurance policy, that is divided by the number of household that is based on basic resident register(includes foreigner).

* Based on the statistics by General insurance rating organization of Japan(2015 year).
Auto insurance

57,658 Yen

Oita Average

62,487 Yen

National average

Penetration of bodily injury liability insurance

Penetration of property damage liability insurance


National average

Oita average


62,487 Yen

33 Rank

57,658 Yen

Paid insurance money

340,716 Yen

33 Rank

309,189 Yen

Penetration of bodily injury liability insurance

74.1 %

37 Rank

66.1 %

Penetration of property damage liability insurance

74.2 %

36 Rank

66.1 %

  • * Premium is the total premium of new agreement on research year, that is divided by the number of cars with contract of insurance.
  • * Paid insurance money is the total insurance money paid on research year, that is divided by the number of payments.
  • * The liability insurance types include the following five, bodily injury liability insurance, property damage liability insurance,passenger accident insurance,personal injury insurance and vehicle insurance.
  • * Auto insurance is contract of insurance, except driver's contract and special conditions.
  • * Penetration of liability insurance is a rate of the number of cars with contract of insurance, per the number of all cars (without motor bike).

* Based on the statistics by General insurance rating organization of Japan(2015 year).

OitaEducational costs per student [Public kindergarten: 2021Year]

*National average

*Oita average

* Comparison with the value in which nationwide average is 100


Educational costs per child

Educational activities costs per child

Auxillary activities costs per child


19 Rank

33 Rank

39 Rank

National average




  • 1 Educational cost (in total): This is the sum of school educational costs. The breakdown is as follows: Living expenditure (labor cost, educational activities cost, administrative cost, auxiliary activities cost, prescribed payment cost), capital expenditure (land cost, building cost, facility cost, fixtures cost, book purchase cost) and debt redemption expenditure.
  • *2 Expenditure for school activity includes direct expenditure associated with students’ learning and formal school activities.

(1) Special activity costs

It is expenditure spent on special activities such as school activity, student council, club activity, school event(Ritual, curatorial specific events, sports day, traffic safety guidance), travel / collective accommodation specific event(excursion,school trip etc).
(E.g.) consumable goods expense, printing/binding fee, transportation cost (including travel costs of attendants such as teacher,doctor,mentor etc.), honorarium/allowance to mentor, children / students who need care/semi-care, club activity cost for children/students for special support school, school trip and extracurricular activity expenses

(2) Consumable goods costs for professor

(e.g.) school subject book (text book, supplementary book,guide book etc) categorized as consumable goods, material for professor
(crayons, chalk, blackboard wipe, athlethic supplies, drawing paper, origami, laboratory chemicals, materials, and equipment, etc), others (attendance book, card, stamp, stationery, envelopes, clip, diploma, calendar, etc)

(3) Travel costs

General travel expense and education assistants,appointed travel expense,training expense,study travel expense etc.

(4) Other educational activity costs

(E.g.) printing / binding expense, postage costs, telephone and telegraph fee, television reception fees, lease fee for copying machine, personal computer equipment etc., travel expense of children / students for the study by observation/the practical training for the subject other than special activity, health guidance, expenditure for use of school library, expenditure for club activity, expenditure of office work for entrance exam.

  • Auxiliary educational activities cost: It does not include cost due to regular school education, but includes the cost that has close relationship with the school activities.

(1) School lunch related costs

Expenditure for managing school lunch such as consumable goods for school lunch.

(2) Health related costs

Health check, health equipments categorized as consumable goods, purchase costs of medicine.

(3) Dormitory costs

(4) Commute related costs

Transportation cost (maintenance costs of school bus) for studuents commute, purchase costs of crime prevention buzzer, expenditure for school guard etc..

(5) Auxiliary project cost

Expenditure spent on the project for concouragement of entering kindergarten, school material purchase costs and material costs of commute which are spent in subsidy for assistant expenditure of protection-need children/students and subsidy for encourange expenditure of special support education entering school, medical costs, school lunch expenditure and trnsportation costs etc..
Educational assistance fee on Life Protection Act is out of scope because it is social security related expenditure.

(6) Other auxiliary activity costs

(E.g.) Expenditure of facility maintenance for Seaside school, forestside school.
Expenditure that can not divide by school type is proportional division by the number of children / students.

'Region educational costs research' research by MEXT

Oita - Number of Medical care staff [2022/12/31]

Internal/Dermatology / Pediatrics medicine etc.

*National average

*Oita average

* Comparison with the value in which nationwide average is 100

Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Dentistry etc.

*National average

*Oita average

* Comparison with the value in which nationwide average is 100


Total number

Staff number per 1000 person

Internal medicine (general)


12 Rank


Respiratory medicine


4 Rank




28 Rank




21 Rank




27 Rank




45 Rank




38 Rank


Child surgery


15 Rank




34 Rank




35 Rank


Corrective orthotic dentistry


44 Rank


Child dentistry


39 Rank


  • *

Oita - Number of Fires, Accidents and Crimes

Fires, accidents, crimes

*National average

*Oita Average

* Comparison with the value in which nationwide average is 100


Number of occurence

Number of occurrence per 1000 persons

Number of firing of buildings

287 items

21 Rank

0.24 items

Number of traffic accidents

6584 items

25 Rank

5.5 items

Number of recognized criminal offenses

9483 items

38 Rank

7.9 items

  • Number of firing of buildings is the research data of 2008 school year
  • Number of traffic accidents is the research data of 2009 school year
  • Number of recognized criminal offenses is the research data of 2009 school year
  • 【Number of occurrence per 1000 persons】 is calculated as follows; each data divided by population as of 2010 academic year data and then multiplied by 1000.

*”Aspects shown by the statistics of municipal prefectures and cities researched by Bureau of Statistics, MIS

Oita- information about public safety

You can check safety information of cases and suspicious persons easily on the map, avatars, icons, graph, etc.

Oita - About kindergarten information

Nursery information Gaccom provided

Gaccom provides comprehensive data like the enrollments for nursery, kindergartens, elementary and middle schools in Japan and aims at assisting the selection of the schools and the kindergartens from the diversified view points of parents.Oita- Nursery information is based on the research of 2023 year.We add new and necessary data one after another even if the data is not complete.

About Gaccom

Gaccom provides [community] supporting mutual networkds of parents whose children go to same school and [school information] provides useful information for new enrollment, move, life and real estate selection. The school community of Gaccom provides mutual networks of parents which supplement communication by mails from schools and the mail list of each class. At the same time, Gaccom is the highly free network which helps to form the groups of after-school care for children, PTA, extra lessons and private tutoring schools. Why do not you utilze Gaccom community as third network of school.
Gaccom provides communities for parents for each school. The community page provides and supports the community where parents in the same school can share information. Parents can share various kinds of information such as exchanging school things, or sharing safety information related with children around the district.Making use of the community enables parents to access information they cannot obtain from mailing lists of their childrens' classes, nor information distributed by schools. For instance, parents can make their own groups just for those students going to same lessons or cram schools outside the school.
* The school community of Gaccom provides mutual networks of parents which supplement communication by mails from schools and the mail list of each class. At the same time, Gaccom is the highly free network which helps to form the groups of after-school care for children, PTA, extra lessons and private tutoring schools.

Oita - Kindergarten - New Movie

Oita -
Kindergarten - Access ranking

Oita - Installation rate of elementary and junior high school special classroom air conditionin Rankings


Oita - Education Statistics Ranking

Nationwide  -  47 Prefectures 35 Rank
Nationwide  -  47 Prefectures 33 Rank
Nationwide  -  47 Prefectures 1 Rank


*Some of the info may be lacking by areas or schools but we compensate them one by one.
*Please note that we are trying to provide the correct info, however it may not be the current one.
*We ask you toOita - kindergartens when you find any mistakes in the data presented by Gaccom.


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