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Kagawa - junior high school - Search

National schoolPublic schoolPrivate school

:Student:Teacher:The number of classes/Class size

Kagawa- information about public safety

You can check safety information of cases and suspicious persons easily on the map, avatars, icons, graph, etc.

Kagawa - About enrollment / number of classes / school zone(school attendance zone) information

Elementary school / Junior high school - About flexibility of class size

Useful official information of public schools is not necessarily presented widely in our country. We think this is the reason why parents spend a lot of unnecessary time for changing address or carrying out entrance procedures for new schools. Gaccom collects official school information which you cannot obtain from reputation or word of mouth.This page is introducing elementary school and junior high school of Kagawa.

About order of the enrollment etc. for elementary school / junior high school

In the search of reordering, On the elementary school / junior high school, sorting is available by the number of children/students and class size, of entire school or on every grades, the number of teachers, and reviews. On the public school, the enrollment in entire school includes the enrollment of special education class. Also, the research year of the enrollment is [2023 year] in national school, [2023 year] in public school, [2023 year] in private school. And the research year of the number of teachers in the public school is [2023 year].


The research year of the enrollment is [2023 year], and the research year of the number of teachers is [2023 year]. 各特徴の右上にある数字は、市区町村内でその特徴に当てはまると回答された学校数を表しています。尚、特徴は学校レポーターのみなさまの善意で集められた情報であり、ガッコムが収集した情報ではありません。 そのため、中には実情とは違う情報が掲載されている可能性もございます。各市区町村の児童生徒数、教員数、全学級数、平均クラスサイズ、口コミ数は、全て各市区町村における1学校あたりの平均値です。

School district map of public school

In public school page, school district can be captured visually on the map.The school attendance zones information on the map is not always correct. And the school attendance zones are subject to change every year. You had better make use of it as reference.

Elementary school / Junior high school - About textbook adoption data

公立小学校については算数/国語/理科/社会/英語/書写/地図/生活/音楽/図工/家庭/保健/道徳の13種目、公立中学校については英語/数学/国語/理科/社会(歴史・地理・公民)/書写/地図/音楽・器楽/美術/保健/技術・家庭/道徳の16種目School adoption data is provided.Information is based on 0006 school year academic year data for elementary schools and 0003 school year academic year data for junior high schools.

Kagawa - Elementary school / Junior high school - About flixibility of class composition

Due to the policy change, class size is permitted to lower the standard (40 students per class, 35 students in grade 1).Information of class size shown for each school page is based on [Kagawa year].

About area-specific information

Each page introduces the information of the school founders by municipal cities and prefectures. Rate of seismic retrofit of buildings on public school is [as of 2023/04/01], specification status of community school is [as of 2016/04/01], computerization (Number of students per an educational computer ) is [as of 2022/03/01], school lunch implementation rate is as of [2021 academic year], number of school truancy is as of [2017 academic year].

Additional Information hereafter

Gaccom tries to add new and useful school information to parents hereafter from the diversified standpoints of supporting the school selection. We expect your good understanding and cooperation for supplying us feedback and information.

About Gaccom community

The school community of Gaccom provides mutual networks of parents which supplement communication by mails from schools and the mail list of each class.
[Reference]:About communities

Kagawa - Junior High - New Movie

Kagawa -
Junior High school - Access ranking

Kagawa - Population per 1,000 pulmonologist workers number Rankings


Kagawa - Education Statistics Ranking

Nationwide  -  47 Prefectures 15 Rank
Nationwide  -  47 Prefectures 1 Rank
Nationwide  -  47 Prefectures 33 Rank


*Some of the info may be lacking by areas or schools but we compensate them one by one.
*Please note that we are trying to provide the correct info, however it may not be the current one.
*We ask you toKagawa - elementary school / junior high school - enrollment / school attendance zone(schoo zone) when you find any mistakes in the data presented by Gaccom.


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