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Shikabe-cho - Nursery list

Shikabe-cho - This is based on that Nursery information is 2023 year research.

    Shikabe-cho- information about public safety

    You can check safety information of cases and suspicious persons easily on the map, avatars, icons, graph, etc.

    Shikabe-cho - nearby municipals

    The address displayed is based on the time of the survey. Therefore, it might be different from the current address.

    HokkaidoShikabe-cho - Nursery information

    Nursery information provided by Gaccom

    Gaccom tries to add school education information to parents from the diversified standpoints of supporting the nursery selection.This page is introducting nursery list of Hokkaido Shikabe-cho.

    About Gaccom

    Gaccom presents such useful school data as entrance, move, selection of houses and real estate and helps community accelarate mutual interchange of the parents in the same school.
    Gaccom provides communities for parents for each school. The community page provides and supports the community where parents in the same school can share information. Parents can share various kinds of information such as exchanging school things, or sharing safety information related with children around the district.Making use of the community enables parents to access information they cannot obtain from mailing lists of their childrens' classes, nor information distributed by schools. For instance, parents can make their own groups just for those students going to same lessons or cram schools outside the school.
    * The school community of Gaccom provides mutual networks of parents which supplement communication by mails from schools and the mail list of each class. At the same time, Gaccom is the highly free network which helps to form the groups of after-school care for children, PTA, extra lessons and private tutoring schools.

    Hokkaido - Elementary - New Movie

    Shikabe-cho -
    Nursery school - Access ranking

    Hokkaido - Children rate on the waiting list for nursery schools Rankings


    Shikabe-cho - Education Statistics Ranking

    Hokkaido  -  179 Cities 128 Rank
    Hokkaido  -  179 Cities 96 Rank
    Hokkaido  -  179 Cities 164 Rank


    *Gaccom provides school information not known by the words of mouth and reputation.

    *Some of the info may be lacking by areas or schools but we compensate them one by one.

    *Please note that we are trying to provide the correct info, however it may not be the current one.

    *This site is operated by the private companies that is not related to the posted nursery. For the unposted information (such as enrollment / enrollment period, subsidy, nursery lunch / existence of temporary nursery, number of staffs etc.), please contact the corresponding nursery directly.

    *We ask you to contact us through contact form when you find any mistakes in the data ofHokkaidoShikabe-cho - Nursery information.

    Gaccom for mobile

    Even through mobile phone or smartphone, HokkaidoShikabe-choSearch function for School is available.


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