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Katsuyama Elementary School - Safety, public safety, disaster prevention

Katsuyama Elementary School - Safety & Security information

The information on Safety & Security information has been voluntarily posted by Gaccom users. It is not the information Gaccom has collected.
It includes information that is difficult to obtain from outside of the school. Gaccom does not guarantee the accuracy of the information in this page.
In case you find mistakes or you have new information, please postUser submitted information through User submitted information.

Katsuyama Elementary School 's information about public safety which occurred in the school district

* Based on the information provided by the police or a local government, cases occurred in the school district are searched and displayed.

Katsuyama Elementary SchoolSafety information occurred nearby

* Based on the information provided by the police or a local government, the latest 10 cases which occurred within a radius of 7.7Kilometers are searched and displayed.

Shimonoseki-shi - rate of seismic retrofit of buildings on public elementary and junior high school [2023/04/01 ]

Rate of seismic retrofit of buildings

Shimonoseki-shi - rate of seismic retrofit of buildings on public elementary and junior high school

19 Rank


Research for the results of seismic retrofit of public school facilities”

Shimonoseki-shi - Number of Fires, Accidents and Crimes

Fires, accidents, crimes

*National average

*Yamaguchi Average

*Shimonoseki-shi Average

* Comparison with the value in which nationwide average is 100


Number of occurence

Number of occurrence per 1000 persons

Number of firing of buildings

62 items

9 Rank

0.22 items

Number of traffic accidents

1832 items

1 Rank

6.5 items

Number of recognized criminal offenses

2772 items

2 Rank

9.9 items

  • Number of firing of buildings is the research data of 2008 school year
  • Number of traffic accidents is the research data of 2009 school year
  • Number of recognized criminal offenses is the research data of 2009 school year
  • 【Number of occurrence per 1000 persons】 is calculated as follows; each data divided by population as of 2010 academic year data and then multiplied by 1000.

*”Aspects shown by the statistics of municipal prefectures and cities researched by Bureau of Statistics, MIS

Shimonoseki-shi - Records of Weather Warning



2017-04-17 11O’clock or around

stormy wind

2017-01-20 16O’clock or around


2017-01-20 6O’clock or around

stormy wind

2016-10-05 5O’clock or around

stormy wind

2016-10-05 5O’clock or around

ocean wave

* The above warnings include the following seven, i.e. blizzard, storm of snow, ocean wave and tidal wave.

* The above dates don’t necessarily show the accurate time.

The above records show only the latest five weather warnings.

Katsuyama Elementary School - information

Gaccom provides school information not known by the words of mouth and reputation.

Katsuyama Elementary Schoolの周辺のこども食堂

Katsuyama Elementary Schoolの学区内のこども食堂


Katsuyama Elementary School近くのこども食堂(※非公開除く)

Shimonoseki-shi - Elementary - New Movie

Shimonoseki-shi -
Elementary school - Access ranking

Kumano Elementary School (Yamaguchi)
Kawatana Elementary School (Yamaguchi)
Oki Elementary School (Yamaguchi)
Meiryo Elementary School (Yamaguchi)
Yoji Elementary School (Yamaguchi)

Yamaguchi - Population per 1,000 Allergy workers number Rankings


Shimonoseki-shi - Education Statistics Ranking

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