User's guides of Gaccom Safety Navi

This page shows important points and instructions when using Gaccom Safety Navi.

Gaccom Safety Navi

As a whole

  • Gaccom Safety Navi' is a portal service which collects public safety information in Japan (e.g., about suspicious-looking person, a case or an accident, etc.) provided mainly by the police or a local government. We use maps, avatars, icons, graphs, etc., in order to provide easy-to-understand information.
  • You can post from the application version. The application also has the My Conditioning function that allows you to save interesting conditions, the Notification function that notify you of new arrival when an incident occurs, the Clip function to save an incident you care about. So you can customize it for yourself .
  • Gaccom Safety Navi do not have direct relationships with the police or a local government which provides information about public safety. To check out the original information, please scroll down to the lower part of the page that describes details of each incident.
  • A information posted by users may differ from facts. Please acknowledge it beforehand.
  • Since the distribution rule of information differs among police or the local government, whether or not reports are being released depends on areas even though similar cases occur. Therefore, please note that there would be a possibility that cases might be occured at an certain area even though there are no reports about it on Safety Navi.


The name of the incident, details of the incident

  • The name of the incident or details of the incident are basically cited from the distribution source.
  • We sometimes do not provide certain information from the distribution source, such as personal name, fixed phrase, email address, or URL.
  • Safety Navi sometimes adds information such as the name of the incident automatically.。

About the place of the case

  • If a case is reported in more than one place, all of the spots are plotted on the map.
  • We specify the area according to the distributed information. Those information are sometimes wrong or insufficient (e.g., wrong name of the place, or no information about where the case occurred), so please make use of this site just as a reference.
  • The marker on the map plots the representative point where the incident occurred. Please note that this may not reflect the accurate place where the incident actually occurred.

About category of the incident

  • Gaccom Safety Navi classifies incidents to categories to make them easy to search and to understand. However, those categories might be too many or too few, so please make use of this site just as a reference.
  • Cases applicable to multiple categories are determined as the category of the worse case.

About the characteristics and its avatar image

  • Gaccom Safety Navi tags one's appearance and clothings according to the details of the incident.
  • Please note that information about 'characteristics of the suspicious-looking person' sometimes picks up wrong information such as those of the missing or the victims.
  • Characteristics are tagged only when they are possible to be estimated from the information of the incident, so the details might be in excess or in deficiency. Please make use of the information just as a reference.
  • Avatars shows the general image of each characteristics, so the actual appearance of the suspicious-looking person might be different.

About the time when cases occurred and the reported day

  • You can only display graphs related to time information (of when the case occurred) or narrow search results by time when the case has details about when it occurred.
  • The reported day of the incident is based on the day of distribution from its original distribution source. Therefore, please keep in mind that the reported day may not indicate the accurate time when the case actually occurred.

Contact us

  • We cannot answer any further information about the incident. Please contact the distribution source.
  • If you notice any problems on the website (e.g., deficiency of category of the incident, defective image of avatars, sentence unrelated to incidents, etc.), please let us know by usingThe inquiry form.