Information about suspicious person in Suoooshima-cho, Yamaguchi
Information about suspicious person in Suoooshima-cho, Yamaguchiに多い特徴
Height | no data |
Physique | no data |
Age | no data |
Hairstyle | no data |
Clothing | no data |
Others | no data |
Height | no data |
Physique | no data |
Age | no data |
Hairstyle | no data |
Clothing | no data |
Others | no data |
This page shows public safety information in Suoooshima-cho, Yamaguchi. You can check the classification of the incident in suspicious person, or the often seen characteristics (e.g., physique, looks, clothes, etc.) of suspicious person (stalking, beckoning, shouting, suspicious behavior, etc.). Latest information are also provided on the map.