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Gaccom - Directory of elementary and junior high schools in Japan

School Search

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Gaccom prepares for more useful and diversified search measures for the selection of the schools. You can search for the schools with your aims such as seismic retrofit of buildings, numbers of health-care personnel and children returned from abroad by using the search of Gaccom.

Student Enrollment

Fires, Accidents and Crimes

Long-term absentees


The number of classes


School lunch implementation rates

Standby Children

Air conditioning facility

Educational cost

Rate of seismic retrofit of buildings

Medical care staff

Children returned from abroad

Information of enrollment / school attendance zone(school zone), provided by Gaccom

Enrollment is based on the survey result in 2023 , school attendance zone (school zone) is based on the survey result in 2024.

*Public school attendance zones may change every year. Furthermore, to select a school which is not located in the school zone is permitted in specific regions. Please confirm the educational council for details.

*Please contact us if you find any mistakes in the data presented by Gaccom.

Gaccom for mobile

Information on Gaccom can be browsed by mobile phone or smartphone as well.
For smartphone version, you may only make use of the school education data (for kindergartens, nursery, elementary and middle schools).




This is Gaccom English page (Beta version).

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