


Hero background image

Freepik API

The most advanced AI features, the largest content library, and everything the future holds—all in one powerful API that you can set up instantly.

hero image

Image generation API

Create HD images faster than ever with Classic Fast image generator.

Upscaler API - Magnific


Magnific: the most advanced AI tech to achieve insanely high-res upscaling.

Stock content API

Expand your library to meet growing user demands.

Quick and Simple
Kickstart in minutes
Generate a free API key in seconds
Generate a free API key in seconds
Generate your free API key in seconds and start building with a 5 EUR credit on us. With simplified documentation for a quick and seamless integration, and robust support.
Testing the API, no integration needed
Testing the API, no integration needed
Navigate through our API documentation and test endpoints on the fly using your browser. Experience hassle-free integration and development.
Pay for what you use, upgrade whenever
Pay for what you use, upgrade whenever
No upfront payments, no commitments. Upgrade in seconds, and pay only for your actual use. Keep your budget in check and track it in real-time from our dashboard.

