Developer Guide
What is Flickr?
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. On Flickr, members upload photos, share them securely, supplement their photos with metadata like license information, geo-location, people, tags, etc., and interact with their family, friends, contacts or anyone in the community. Practically all the features on Flickr's various platforms -- web, mobile and desktop -- are accompanied by a longstanding API program. Since 2005, developers have collaborated on top of Flickr's APIs to build fun, creative, and gorgeous experiences around photos that extend beyond Flickr.
Getting the most out of the Flickr API
We encourage all sorts of integrations, such as features and products that:
- Help people make their photos available to people who matter to them
- Enable new ways of organizing photos and videos
- Are fun!
The best integrations contribute to the Flickr community by encouraging members to converse, share, and curate. Integrations that primarily use Flickr as a photo storage service or a stock imagery provider miss the point behind photo sharing (as well as violate theCommunity Guidelines). In other words, participate!
So how do you participate? We pulled together some guidelines for you here. Since the internet tends to be a fast moving place, please check back here often for updates, and we also have aChangelog to help you track changes to these Guidelines.
If you're a developer who would like to build something neat with the data on Flickr, everything you need to know to get started is right here. Just keep in mind that you're working with other peoples' photography, so please respect them and the FlickrCommunity Guidelines.
The Flickr API
With over 5 billion photos (many with valuable metadata such as tags, geolocation, and Exif data), the Flickr community creates wonderfully rich data. TheFlickr API is how you can access that data. In fact, almost all the functionality that runs is available through the API. And the API is completely free to use, as a service to our members as well as developers and other integrators, so they can create even more ways to interact with photos beyond