
Sam Jaffe

Photo added byPaul Tyler

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Sam JaffeFamous memorial

Original Name
Shalom Jaffe
New York, New York County, New York, USA
24 Mar 1984 (aged 93)
Beverly Hills, Los Angeles County, California, USA
Williston,Barnwell County,South Carolina,USAGPS-Latitude: 33.3916284, Longitude: -81.4292442
Memorial ID
6656042View Source

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Actor. He is best remembered for his supporting role of 'Dr. David Zorba' in the television soap operaBen Casey (1961 to 1965), and for his title role in the 1939 movieGunga Din. Born Shalom Jaffe in New York City, he studied engineering at Columbia University, then began a career as a math teacher in The Bronx. He began acting in 1915, with the Washington Square Players, following the lead of his mother, who was a prominent actress in Yiddish theater productions. His first screen picture was as the mad 'Grand Duke Peter' inThe Scarlet Empress (1934). He would play the benevolent 'High Lama' inLost Horizon (1937), but was widely acclaimed for his role two years later, at the age of 46, inGunga Din (1939), in which he played the supporting character of an Indian water boy some twenty years younger. In 1950, he earned an Oscar nomination for his role of 'Doc Erwin Riedenschneider' in the movieThe Asphalt Jungle. He would continue to act in television series, often as a guest star, and in movies, mostly in believable supporting roles, including such films asGentleman's Agreement (1947),Under the Gun (1951),The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951),Ben-Hur (1959),Tarzan's Jungle Rebellion(1967),Night Gallery (1969),Enemies (1971),Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971),Ghost Story (1972) andBattle Beyond the Stars (1984). His last film was inOn the Line (1984), released just after his death. He died of cancer in Beverly Hills, California.

Actor. He is best remembered for his supporting role of 'Dr. David Zorba' in the television soap operaBen Casey (1961 to 1965), and for his title role in the 1939 movieGunga Din. Born Shalom Jaffe in New York City, he studied engineering at Columbia University, then began a career as a math teacher in The Bronx. He began acting in 1915, with the Washington Square Players, following the lead of his mother, who was a prominent actress in Yiddish theater productions. His first screen picture was as the mad 'Grand Duke Peter' inThe Scarlet Empress (1934). He would play the benevolent 'High Lama' inLost Horizon (1937), but was widely acclaimed for his role two years later, at the age of 46, inGunga Din (1939), in which he played the supporting character of an Indian water boy some twenty years younger. In 1950, he earned an Oscar nomination for his role of 'Doc Erwin Riedenschneider' in the movieThe Asphalt Jungle. He would continue to act in television series, often as a guest star, and in movies, mostly in believable supporting roles, including such films asGentleman's Agreement (1947),Under the Gun (1951),The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951),Ben-Hur (1959),Tarzan's Jungle Rebellion(1967),Night Gallery (1969),Enemies (1971),Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971),Ghost Story (1972) andBattle Beyond the Stars (1984). His last film was inOn the Line (1984), released just after his death. He died of cancer in Beverly Hills, California.

Bio by:José L Bernabé Tronchoni


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  • Maintained by: Find a Grave
  • Originally Created by:José L Bernabé Tronchoni
  • Added: Aug 3, 2002
  • Find a Grave Memorial ID:
  • Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed), memorial page for Sam Jaffe (10 Mar 1891–24 Mar 1984), Find a Grave Memorial ID6656042, citing Williston Cemetery, Williston,Barnwell County,South Carolina,USA;Maintained by Find a Grave.

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