


Furniture Augmented Reality App

This was a project for my Mobile Computing class where Bader Al-Jumaah and I created an android augmented reality application to allow users to design their house before buying the actual furniture.

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FAR logo of a chair disintegrating


Profile image for Ayman Kandil

Ayman Kandil

Computer Engineer - App Developer

Black bordered smart phone with FAR app logo and slogan on screen.

Bader Al-Jumaah

Software Developer - App Developer

Black bordered smart phone with FAR app logo and slogan on screen.

Gary Dos Santos

Software Developer - Website Developer

Black bordered smart phone with FAR app logo and slogan on screen.

Aya Kandil

Graphic Designer - Logo design

Splash Screen

The first screen in our app is a splash screen that shows the logo and slogan of our project.

Black bordered smart phone with FAR app logo and slogan on screen.

Main AR Screen

After the Splash Screen, the camera will open, and the AR-core will start by detecting the planes for the 3d objects to be placed.

Main screen with virtual hand

Floating Menu Screen

In the main screen the user will find a floating button that will open a menu that will list all the 3d objects that the user can place it in real world. User can also find clear buttons and an about button

Black bordered smart phone with a yellow menu with names of furniture listed one below the other.

About Screen

Finally, the last page in our app is the About Page. In this page the user can see the story behind our app.

Black bordered smart phone with a white box with text and buttons to go forward or back.

